City |
Media Partnership: Meta EU Innovation Day 2025
04-02-2025 |
Technology |
EU’s approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence - Time for a “CERN for AI”?
30-01-2025 |
Technology |
Industrial electrification - Ready to power Europe's green industrial future?
30-01-2025 |
Energy and Environment |
Financing the EU energy transition and European competitiveness - Can the two co-exist?
28-01-2025 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Ammonia Europe launch event: Unlocking ammonia’s potential for Europe’s clean and resilient economy
16-01-2025 |
Energy and Environment |
Critical raw materials - How can the EU and Kazakhstan cooperate?
12-12-2024 |
Global Europe |
Financing Europe's future - Bridging the investment gap in an era of twin transitions
11-12-2024 |
Economy and Jobs |
Reviving Europe's Industrial Power: How to boost competitiveness through energy - Media Partnership
09-12-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Energy Day 2024: On the eve of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU
09-12-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Alcohol consumption in Europe - What is needed for effective harm reduction?
05-12-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership: The Future of SEPs and Innovation in Europe
04-12-2024 |
Technology |
A principled approach - How can we help young people to thrive and be safer online?
04-12-2024 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - Demystifying Data Centres: The Backbone of the EU’s Twin Transition
04-12-2024 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - Tax Transparency on the eve of Public CbC & CSRD Reporting
03-12-2024 |
Economy |
The urban mobility transition – How can the EU achieve more sustainable transport
02-12-2024 |
Transport |
Closing the gender gap - How to empower women leadership in industry?
28-11-2024 |
Politics |
How can the EU rapidly decarbonise heavy-duty road transport?
22-11-2024 |
Transport |
Automated vehicles - A roadmap for the future?
20-11-2024 |
Transport |
Media Partnership - Ironing out a Steel Action Plan for a green transition made in Europe
20-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Net-Zero 2050: Unleashing Cobalt’s Potential for the EU’s energy transition and competitiveness
19-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Green Claims & Carbon Markets: A framework for transparency to support Europe’s path to net zero
19-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
The threat to media freedom in Europe – How can it be protected?
18-11-2024 |
Politics |
Media Partnership - Ensuring Resilience in the European Energy Transition
14-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
The path to the climate neutrality of district heating systems - Solutions, regulations, technologies
13-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Building a safer digital environment – Protecting consumers in the EU
12-11-2024 |
Technology |
Circularity in the automotive sector - The end-of-life vehicles regulation proposal
12-11-2024 |
Economy |
The future of the European raw materials industry - How can Europe remain competitive on the global stage?
07-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - The future of renewable energy investment in Europe: Europe's obligation to pay renewable energy awards
05-11-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Nourishing Europe - Financing the path to resilient and sustainable food systems
31-10-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Neurotechnology's rapid evolution – What consequences for the EU regulatory landscape?
29-10-2024 |
Technology |
EU-US trade relations – What does the future hold?
17-10-2024 |
Economy |
Media partnership - Computer in Command: do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers require EU policy action?
16-10-2024 |
Technology |
Media Partnership: The future of agriculture and fertilizer production in the EU
15-10-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership: Developing an Implementation Plan for ‘You Collect We Buy’ - Capitalising on the gas capture opportunity
15-10-2024 |
Climate & Environment |
Ending HIV in Europe - Can the EU lead the global path forward to 2030?
01-10-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Uzbekistan 2024 parliamentary elections - On the road to a democratic future
26-09-2024 |
Global Europe |
Tech and the new mandate – What are the opportunities and challenges?
25-09-2024 |
Technology |
Navigating the ESG legislation - What implications for carbon removal projects in Europe?
24-09-2024 |
Climate & Environment |
Media Partnership - Smart siting: Unlocking Europe's Solar and Wind Potential
24-09-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Stars4Media Day - Shaping the Future of Media
23-09-2024 |
Technology |
Euractiv MEP Welcome Party 'Meet the Press'
17-09-2024 |
Politics |
Quantum technologies - How can we lead in the industries of the future?
11-09-2024 |
Technology |
Media Partnership: Win-wind solutions in the Baltic Sea region
10-09-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs?
12-06-2024 |
Technology |
EU-Kazakhstan relations - What are the drivers for increased economic and trade cooperation?
05-06-2024 |
Global Europe |
EU agrifood policy - Navigating the next mandate
04-06-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
EU’s climate action - What's the way forward?
29-05-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Building a sustainable future - The revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
23-05-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
#eaAgrifood Twitter Space I Upcoming EU Mandate: What Are the New Agrifood Priorities?
23-05-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - CODE Talks: A More Competitive Europe Starts with Open Digital Ecosystems
22-05-2024 |
Technology |
Power-to-heat - How can it decarbonise district heating?
15-05-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Regional Revitalization: Transformative Power of Investment in Rural and Post-Industrial Areas Across Europe
14-05-2024 |
Economy and Jobs |
A roadmap to EU forest resilience - Tackling climate change and forest disturbances
08-05-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Revival of EU Single Market - Defining the road ahead
06-05-2024 |
Economy |
#eaGreenEU Twitter Chat: Climate impact on European forests - How to increase their resilience?
30-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Partenariat Média - Les rencontres européennes de la Fepem : l’emploi à domicile à l’heure des élections
22-04-2024 |
Economy and Jobs |
Organic farming in the EU - What role for a greener Europe?
18-04-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Sustainable Health for Sustainable Growth: A Roadmap for European Policy
18-04-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Hydropower - Enhancing Storage and Flexibility for a Greener Future
17-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: From Resources to Resilience: Unpacking the Role of Raw Materials for Security, Sustainability and Prosperity
17-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Powering Tomorrow, Inspiring Today: Nuclear Energy 2.0
11-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
EVENT CANCELLED - Time to act: Plugging into the Green Deal. A new energy policy agenda fit forEuropeanconsumersMediaPartnership
10-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Beneath the Surface: The Essential Role of Generic Medicines in Ensuring Supply Security in Europe
10-04-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - The future of EU industry: resilience or dependence
09-04-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Shaping the future of healthcare in Europe: looking ahead to the new EU political cycle
03-04-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - Securing the future of European industries: The role of CCUS in the EU’s Legislative Term 2024-2029
26-03-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Powering Carbon Neutrality by 2050: EDF’s Net Zero scenario unveiled
21-03-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
#eaAgrifood Twitter Chat: Carbon farming - Which Developments in the Future?
21-03-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
The European connectivity landscape - What reforms are needed for a new era?
20-03-2024 |
Technology |
Securing water for tomorrow - What course should the EU take?
20-03-2024 |
Climate & Environment |
Fueling Change - Biodiesel and the future of sustainable transport in the EU
19-03-2024 |
Transport |
Upholding Europe's Leadership in Fusion Energy
18-03-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Rebuilding Europe’s business case: working against the clock
18-03-2024 |
Economy |
Media Partnership: Stars4Media Day - Ready for AI & enlargement?
15-03-2024 |
Technology |
What lies ahead for new nicotine products?
06-03-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
A dialogue on democracy - Exploring participatory budgeting and citizen participation in the EU
22-02-2024 |
Politics |
The future of EU forests – A new EU Framework for Forest Monitoring and Strategic Plans
20-02-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
Competitiveness in a digital decade - What policy mix for 2024 and beyond?
20-02-2024 |
Technology |
Pestizidverordnung - Was ist der deutsche Ansatz?
19-02-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
The EU’s Carbon management strategy and the path to 2040
19-02-2024 |
Energy and Environment |
EU pharmaceutical legislation - Europe’s biotech innovation in the balance?
24-01-2024 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - Resilient Europe: A Playbook for Future European Economic Competitiveness
23-01-2024 |
Technology |
Decarbonising shipping – What role can climate labels play?
12-12-2023 |
Transport |
Media Partnership: Sustainable taxes and economic growth post-Covid – The role for European multinational companies
06-12-2023 |
Economy and Jobs |
Towards a sustainable future - What is the potential of the EU’s bioeconomy?
30-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Euractiv Advocacy Debate: European Political Party Views towards the 2024-2029 EU Agenda
30-11-2023 |
Politics |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat | Green Deal and farming - Divorce or happy ever after?
29-11-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - European Technology Leadership Under Threat
29-11-2023 |
Technology |
PFAS and the green transition - how can we strike a balance?
28-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Charting the Future of AI - From the EU AI Act to Global AI Governance
27-11-2023 |
Technology |
Le protectionnisme européen à l’aube des élections européennes
24-11-2023 |
Politics |
Hydrogen emissions - What implications for the green transition?
16-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Wind Power Action Plan - Winds of change?
15-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Analysing the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - What are the implications for our forests?
14-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Strengthening EU-Kazakhstan relations - What role for trade and the supply of critical raw materials?
14-11-2023 |
Global Europe |
Media Partnership: Decarbonising fertilizer production. Pathways to sustainable food
14-11-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Crowdfunding as a driver for the EU's energy transition - What difference can it make?
08-11-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
The Spanish presidency and the future of European Digitalization - Media Partnership
26-10-2023 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - AI governance and compliance: a call to action
26-10-2023 |
Technology |
#eaGreenEU Twitter Chat | The EU Deforestation Regulation
26-10-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
New genomic techniques - What lies ahead?
25-10-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
EU Regulation on deforestation-free products – What implications for smallholders?
25-10-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Hydropower: a key player of the European energy transition
24-10-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Making better use of biofuels: How can the EU ensure policy consistency?
23-10-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership Launch Event - Youth Progress Index: Frozen Progress for Young Europeans
18-10-2023 |
Youth |
Transforming Hematology Care - Empowering Better Cancer Treatment in the 'Europe's Beating Cancer Plan'
10-10-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
PAC et PSN français: où en sommes-nous ?
09-10-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Sustainable Journey: Navigating the Future of Aviation
27-09-2023 |
Transport |
How can district heating help meet EU climate neutrality targets?
26-09-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
How to make the most out of the 2024 changeover in the EU: Insights from Communication Experts
26-09-2023 |
Politics |
The EU's directive on corporate sustainability due diligence - Striking the right balance for business, consumers, investors?
21-09-2023 |
Economy |
What role will storage play in Europe's future energy system?
21-09-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Gigabit Infrastructure Act: A global leadership opportunity for the EU?
20-09-2023 |
Technology |
Navigating the Energy Transition - Implementing clean hydrogen initiatives in the EU
20-09-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Shifting gears: unleashing Sustainable potential in Raw Materials and Automotive industries
20-09-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: PKEE Energy Day 2023
19-09-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
The Belt and Road Initiative - Where are we 10 years on?
19-09-2023 |
Global Europe |
Media Partnership: Towards an EU Methane Import Standard - Opportunities for global climate leadership ahead of COP28
06-09-2023 |
Energy |
Media Partnership: Sustainable future for European transport: levitating MagRail trains on existing railways
05-09-2023 |
Transport |
How can a shift to a circular economy in the EU contribute to a climate-neutral Europe?
04-07-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Chemical risk management - What is the role of the Essential Use Concept under REACH authorisation and restriction?
04-07-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Beyond the 'Yes, But' idiom: Envisioning Serbia's Future in the EU
04-07-2023 |
Global Europe |
Media Partnership: An EU Ecosystem for Rare Diseases: The OD Expert Group proposals for navigating the challenges ahead
29-06-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - How can we make it work?
28-06-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Illicit trade - What are the impacts and solutions?
28-06-2023 |
Economy and Jobs |
What are the challenges and opportunities for a European 'hydrogen corridor'?
27-06-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Fighting illicit trade in Europe - How can we best address the problem?
27-06-2023 |
Economy and Jobs |
CAP reform - Is 'social conditionality' the answer for agri-workers?
26-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Food for Thought - How can we reshape our food systems for a sustainable future?
20-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
How the European Union is advancing its agenda in Central Asia - Kazakhstan's role in interregional cooperation
14-06-2023 |
Global Europe |
Generative AI - What is the cost for the information industry?
13-06-2023 |
Technology |
The future of Europe’s digital connectivity - How to settle the fair contribution debate?
13-06-2023 |
Technology |
Education for a sustainable future - Empowering individuals to tackle climate change
08-06-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Upskilling Hospitality – For more Sustainability and Resilience in Food Supply Chains
07-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership: The Future of the Electronic Communications Sector - Towards a European success story?
06-06-2023 |
Technology |
Media Partnership: Type 2 Diabetes: a preventable catastrophe?
06-06-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership: Advancing Europe’s Net-Zero Industry
31-05-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Healthcare in a complex system - How can patients navigate the transplant journey?
30-05-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
Hydrogen - Tale of the future or a real game changer?
25-05-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
The Critical Raw Materials Act – What opportunities for EU technology providers?
25-05-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Soil health & agriculture: Going beneath the surface
22-05-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - The future of connectivity and our new internet ecosystem
04-05-2023 |
Technology |
Technological advances in healthcare - The key to fighting health inequalities?
03-05-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
Building a competitive Europe - What can the EU Swedish Presidency do?
27-04-2023 |
Economy |
The 'Sustainable Use of Pesticide Regulation' - Navigating the path to a greener EU
26-04-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Participatory Budgeting: How can it strengthen democracy and empower communities in the EU?
25-04-2023 |
Politics |
Probiotics in Europe - How can better regulation strengthen the knowledge of probiotics for consumer health?
24-04-2023 |
Health and Consumers |
20-04-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
[POSTPONED] Media Partnership: #Media4Europe - Marketplace for Innovation Funding
30-03-2023 |
Technology |
The year of skills - Is a digitised Europe learning what it takes to compete globally?
27-03-2023 |
Digital |
On-the-ground reporting - Can it help to combat Russia’s disinformation war?
22-03-2023 |
Global Europe |
Electricity Market Design – How can the system benefit from investments in flexibility?
22-03-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
CO2, H2 and O2 - Cornerstones of the energy transition?
21-03-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - EU Green Deal Industrial Plan: accelerating decarbonisation to reach net zero
21-03-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Learning from the Sun to decarbonise Europe’s power with fusion energy
20-03-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Women in the agri-food industry
08-03-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation – The role of closed loop circularity
28-02-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
#EAGREENEU TWITTER CHAT | Forestry and Climate Change
23-02-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
EU Energy transition - What role for critical raw materials?
08-02-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Energy transition paths - What has the war in Ukraine changed?
08-02-2023 |
Energy and Environment |
Restoring the Earth’s lungs - How can forests support climate change mitigation?
08-02-2023 |
Climate & Environment |
Empowering consumers for a successful green transition
07-02-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Comment le nouveau gouvernement français envisage-t-il la mise en œuvre d'une PAC efficace ?
06-02-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Mercosur Trade Agreement - Will 2023 be the year it is finally ratified?
31-01-2023 |
Economy and Jobs |
Media Partnership - The Future of Data Flows and the Impact for Europe
25-01-2023 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - Decarbonizing the aviation sector: Aeroporti di Roma presents an Italian best practice
24-01-2023 |
Transport |
Democratic Values in the Digital Age - How can tech companies reinforce and strengthen European democracy?
14-12-2022 |
Politics |
Media Partnership - ''Q&A guide on promoting cybersecurity for SMEs in Europe''
08-12-2022 |
Digital |
Empowering consumers in the green transition - The potential of digital solutions for waste collection and product labelling
06-12-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
06-12-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Precision Agriculture - What do EU farmers want?
05-12-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
The wood-energy sector - An ally for the sustainable management of EU forests?
01-12-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - AgriTalks Ireland: The Brazilian experience in reducing the carbon footprint in livestock farming
30-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Strategic Raw Materials: Europe’s industrial agenda for a sustainable and resilient future
30-11-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - The role of satellite technology in the green transition
30-11-2022 |
Climate & Environment |
Media Partnership: The EU Methane Regulation after RePowerEU - How energy security and methane action go hand in hand
29-11-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Front-of-pack labelling reform - Is it fit for the future?
29-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Kazakhstan in 2022 – A seismic year of change and unprecedented regional geopolitics
28-11-2022 |
Global Europe |
Europa im Wandel: Wo steht Deutschland?
25-11-2022 |
Politics |
Media Partnership - Democracy and Resilience in the Era of European crises
22-11-2022 |
Politics |
Empowering consumers to make healthy food choices
16-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
The AI Act - What costs for SMEs?
15-11-2022 |
Technology |
East Africa food crisis - Breaking the cycle of drought, hunger and famine
15-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Public health and disease prevention - What benefits for an adult immunisation policy in Europe?
07-11-2022 |
Health and Consumers |
How to ramp up hydrogen production & speed up the steel industry’s transition, while navigating an unprecedented energy crisis?
27-10-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Integration von GAP und Green Deal - Die Zukunft nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft?
26-10-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
What is the future of the EU’s energy sector?
25-10-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
A digital Europe in a globalised world - How to reconcile Europe’s digital ambitions with its transatlantic agenda?
25-10-2022 |
Technology |
District heating in the EU - What lies ahead?
24-10-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
How to ensure fair industrial data-sharing terms in the framework of the EU Data Act?
13-10-2022 |
Technology |
Reducing industrial fossil gas demand in Europe - What are the next steps?
12-10-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Winter is coming: How to shield the most vulnerable and preserve the consensus on the war
11-10-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Experimenting with Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
11-10-2022 |
Politics |
How can the European Democracy Action Plan empower citizens and build more resilient democracies across the EU?
10-10-2022 |
Technology |
The future of 5G Connectivity in the EU - Next steps
05-10-2022 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - ''Headway - A new roadmap in Mental Health''
28-09-2022 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - Strengthening media freedom and pluralism
28-09-2022 |
Politics |
EU Cybersecurity and Resilience – What challenges to create a common framework?
20-09-2022 |
Technology |
20-09-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Seeing the wood for the trees: Implications of RED III on renewable energy development & EU energy security
07-09-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Accelerating energy independence and emission reductions: The role of advanced biofuels in transport
06-09-2022 |
Transport |
Boosting civic engagement - The role of participatory budgeting
13-07-2022 |
Politics |
Media Partnership - Fit for 55: How can we REPower consumers for energy security and sustainability?
12-07-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
The role of partnerships in empowering European young adults
12-07-2022 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - Accelerating the Green Transition in Europe: Life after Russian Fossil Fuels
01-07-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Security of gas supply - What role for gas infrastructure?
30-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Towards more digital sovereignty – What did the French Presidency achieve and what still needs to be done?
29-06-2022 |
Technology |
Shaping the CAP - How to ensure food security and green ambitions in times of crisis
28-06-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - GRIDTech 2022
28-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Czech Presidency 2022 - Priorities and Expectations
27-06-2022 |
Politics |
Reducing European methane emissions – The potential of EU livestock
21-06-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Achieving more transparency in EU policymaking - The potential of AI
21-06-2022 |
Technology |
Media Partnership - Rural futures: ensuring the EPBD leaves no one behind
21-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Energy Trilemma in Poland, Czechia, and Germany
20-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Fostering democracy in the EU - The role of education
16-06-2022 |
Education |
Mind the Gap - Can biofuels play a strategic role in reaching EU energy and food security?
15-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Braucht Deutschland eine neue Waldpolitik? Potential und Problematik der Waldstrategie 2050
14-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Green ICT - How can the digital sector accelerate the green transition?
14-06-2022 |
Technology |
How to achieve a socially just EU Renovation Wave?
13-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - The revision of the EU's packaging and packaging waste rules
09-06-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Accelerating renewable energies in Europe: How to ensure a win-win for climate and biodiversity?
31-05-2022 |
Climate & Environment |
24-05-2022 |
Climate & Environment |
19-05-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Sustainable and healthy buildings - Reaching the goals of the EU Green Deal
17-05-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
A revised EPBD - Faster decarbonisation of the EU's building stock?
17-05-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Digestive cancers: Turning the tide through prevention
16-05-2022 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership: Can the EU foster a global green transition? The international implications of achieving the EU Green Deal
13-05-2022 |
Climate & Environment |
#Media4Europe Conference: Media transformation & democracy building - Second Edition Stars4Media Awards
12-05-2022 |
Digital & Media |
Media Partnership: Achieving the energy transition through active energy efficiency
11-05-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Due diligence and responsible sourcing: Can a common approach for all sectors work?
10-05-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Circularity of bottles: Contributing to the EU Green Deal
29-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Initiatives for a sustainable industry in Brazil
29-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Medienpartnerschaft: Initiativen für eine nachhaltige Industrie in Brasilien
29-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
The role of food supplements in improving health in the EU
28-04-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Carbon removals - How best to implement and validate?
28-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
EU ETS: How to mitigate instability?
27-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - #MapTheGap: Digital Skills for a Digital Europe
27-04-2022 |
Digital & Media |
CBAM - How do we ensure that we cut emissions - not move them?
26-04-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
How to develop the heating sector to ensure better air quality?
30-03-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Kazakhstan - Building back better following a turbulent January
30-03-2022 |
Global Europe |
Media Partnership: Energy Transition - Challenges and Opportunities in Brazil
28-03-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Medienpartnerschaft: Energiewende - Herausforderungen und Chancen in Brasilien
28-03-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
24-03-2022 |
Politics |
What will Europe’s digital economy look like after the Digital Services Act?
22-03-2022 |
Digital |
Media Partnership - Discrimination and surveillance: Can the EU Artificial Intelligence Act fix injustice?
17-03-2022 |
Digital |
Efficient district heating systems: How to achieve cost-effective decarbonisation?
16-03-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - Closing the digital gender gap: women’s participation in the digital economy
16-03-2022 |
Digital |
Autonomous Vehicles: Full speed ahead towards sustainable and digital mobility?
14-03-2022 |
Transport |
Illicit trade in Europe - Scale, Impact, Solutions
24-02-2022 |
Economy |
Media Partnership: The Scientific Basis of the Brazilian Agricultural Revolution
23-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Medienpartnerschaft: Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die landwirtschaftliche Revolution Brasiliens
23-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
(Re)constructing Europe: What challenges are Member States facing?
22-02-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: The unintended impact of European sustainability standards on global food systems
22-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
22-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership: European Health Union – not wishful thinking, but a reflection of Europeans' real concerns
21-02-2022 |
Health and Consumers |
Sustainable agriculture transformation agenda for Africa - Empowering farmers and building food security sustainably
14-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Quelle place pour le secteur agricole dans le plan de relance européen ?
11-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Green steel: CBAM and ETS - do their current designs aid EU climate ambitions?
09-02-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Europe 2022 - Towards A Competitive Europe
09-02-2022 |
Global Europe |
Ensuring the effective integration of hydrogen within the EU's energy system
04-02-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
EU Methane Regulation: How can policymakers raise ambition?
03-02-2022 |
Energy and Environment |
03-02-2022 |
Politics |
An effective Digital Markets Act - What balance will achieve certainty for all stakeholders?
02-02-2022 |
Digital |
Supporting SMEs post-pandemic – How can policymakers ensure digital helps SME growth?
01-02-2022 |
Digital |
Farm to Fork Strategy – What are the policy instruments needed to reach the targets?
27-01-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Skills – the currency of the future. How is the EU accelerating upskilling and reskilling?
25-01-2022 |
Economy and Jobs |
Media Partnership - How clean are Europe’s food supply chains? The case of Spanish pork
14-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Underlying analysis for EU legislation – Do climate models support the Commission's policy choices?
09-12-2021 |
Transport |
EU taxonomy for sustainable activities – Should nuclear energy be left out?
08-12-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Energy poverty: How to reduce inequalities?
08-12-2021 |
Energy |
The European Green Deal - How does it impact EU food and drink SMEs?
07-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
07-12-2021 |
Politics |
Between Farm and Fork: The role of innovative ingredients and food technology in achieving F2F objectives
06-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
How can SMEs thrive post-pandemic in a digitalised world?
30-11-2021 |
Digital |
Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung im Europäischen Aufbauplan in Deutschland
29-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Cooperativism and the ESG Agenda
25-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - Options for a sustainable Irish transport system: how to achieve carbon neutrality?
24-11-2021 |
Transport |
On the road to a greener economy in Kazakhstan – How can the EU help?
23-11-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Discrimination in Europe in times of COVID - How to combat it?
17-11-2021 |
Human rights |
Media Partnership: Healthy soils for sustainable agriculture
17-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Fit for 55: How to deliver ambitious climate targets while protecting consumers?
16-11-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
The role of electrolytic hydrogen in the clean energy transition
15-11-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: Leading-edge semiconductors: a cornerstone for Europe’s digital future
10-11-2021 |
Digital |
Working towards a stronger Circular Economy – How much regulation is needed?
09-11-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
Media Partnership - Cracking the decarbonization code: How to put buildings at the core of the Fit for 55 package?
09-11-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Policy Dialogue: Can Glyphosate play a role in achieving greater biodiversity?
04-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Zero carbon brewing and beverages - How can stakeholder co-operation achieve it?
29-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Metastatic Breast Cancer - How can we improve care for patients and survivors?
28-10-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership: Upskilling & Reskilling as part of the Well-Being of the European Workforce
28-10-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Closed loop recycling in Europe: What helps and what hinders?
27-10-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
27-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Concrete measures for the food industry to go carbon-neutral
26-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Cybersecurity in the EU – Why we need NIS2 and what changes does it mean for the tech sector?
26-10-2021 |
Digital |
Media Partnership - Waste-to-Energy: The Beauty or The Beast?
25-10-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
CAP reform - How will EU Member States deliver on their CAP Strategic Plans?
20-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
COP26 – Can it be a game-changer?
18-10-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
AI regulation and the future of work - What are the opportunities and concerns?
14-10-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
Media Partnership: Integrative Oncology - The missing link in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
14-10-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership: Corteva Media Club - The Challenge of Food Security | The Global Food Security Index 2021
14-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
The importance of connectivity during and after the COVID-19 crisis
13-10-2021 |
Digital |
Battery-powered future: How can the EU ensure electric vehicles drive the green transport revolution?
13-10-2021 |
Transport |
Digital Inclusiveness: How to ensure no European is left behind
12-10-2021 |
Digital |
Farm to Fork: What the analysis and data tell us
12-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - What's Next for the Transatlantic Trade and Technology Council?
12-10-2021 |
Economy |
MEDIA4EUROPE CONFERENCE - Business Transformation of NEWS media: Content Sharing, Data and Stars4Media
06-10-2021 |
Digital & Media |
Media Partnership - Living with SMA: Spotlight on the policy and access environment in Europe
05-10-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
SURVEY LAUNCH: What way forward for European trade associations?
05-10-2021 |
Digital |
Responsible sourcing: The case of batteries
01-10-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Lessons from COVID-19: How can we make our health systems more resilient?
30-09-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
COP26 – Can renewed political will result in concrete actions?
30-09-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
#EAPOLITICS TWITTER CHAT | Are Equality Bodies accessible to victims of discrimination?
29-09-2021 |
Politics |
Is green hydrogen really carbon-neutral?
29-09-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Refueling aviation: The role and types of sustainable aviation fuels
28-09-2021 |
Transport |
EU-US relations – What does a re-set mean in practice?
27-09-2021 |
Economy |
Media Partnership - Health Access in Rural Areas: the need for a long-term vision in Europe
23-09-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - The road to COP26: is beef a climate change villain?
22-09-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Fit for 55 on all fronts? Can Europe lead innovation in green maritime?
21-09-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership - The road to COP26: what is the role of biofuels?
09-09-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Carbon removal strategy – Is it needed and will it make a difference?
08-09-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Forest restoration and tree-planting – What impact for climate change mitigation?
07-09-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
New EU Emissions Trading System: what should change?
02-09-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
#eaGreenEU Twitter Chat | Forestry and Climate Change
22-07-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
Human Rights in Kazakhstan – The road ahead
14-07-2021 |
Global Europe |
Recovery and sustainability – how can SMEs achieve both?
12-07-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
The future of work in the EU - Challenges in a fast-changing world
08-07-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
Central Asia-South Asia Connectivity Summit - Why it matters in the region and beyond
07-07-2021 |
Global Europe |
Media Partnership: Charting pathways to enable net zero – what role for hydrogen?
07-07-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
The role of science in sustainable food and how to communicate it
06-07-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
EU policies for healthy food environments – What role for all stakeholders?
05-07-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Data-driven actions as the key to deliver sustainability in the EU dairy sector?
30-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
What will be the cost of including transport and buildings in the EU ETS?
25-06-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Media Partnership: The Blue Economy in the Green Transition – European contributions to sustainable ocean management
25-06-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Fit for purpose? The role of renewable fuels on the road to 2030 and beyond
24-06-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Being young and responsible in times of crisis – How can partnerships help empower young adults to make the right choices?
24-06-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Future of work – how has the COVID-19 pandemic re-shaped the agenda?
23-06-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
EC study on new genomic techniques – What’s next?
22-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
#EAAGRIFOOD TWITTER CHAT | The Shape of the CAP to come
22-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Trust in the Digital Decade - Making sure technology serves EU citizens
21-06-2021 |
Digital |
The Twin Transition: How can Green Growth and Digital Transformation go hand in hand to drive Europe’s recovery?
15-06-2021 |
Digital |
Media Partnership - Towards Zero Pollution: Measuring Citizens' Health and Well-Being
11-06-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Media Partnership - How to address the unmet needs of rare disease patients by transforming the European OMP landscape
11-06-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
Cohesion Policy – Dialogue between key actors
08-06-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
COP26: Will it be different this time?
04-06-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Shaping the agriculture of tomorrow - How can farmers and consumers benefit from a reformed CAP?
01-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - The European Green Deal: How does the German Mineral Water Sector Contribute?
01-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership: Beyond Brexit - Redefining the Relationship Between the EU and the UK
28-05-2021 |
UK & Europe |
Georgia’s road to the EU: What’s next?
27-05-2021 |
Global Europe |
China, EU and US cooperation on climate change - Is there political will to make real progress?
27-05-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
EU agenda for global forests - Getting the balance right
26-05-2021 |
Climate & Environment |
Global Europe: Is the EU serious about engaging with Africa?
25-05-2021 |
Economy |
The Recovery and Resilience Facility: Can effective oversight bring about true reform?
25-05-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
Cogeneration and district heating: An enabler of the green transition?
20-05-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Animal Health and Welfare: What role for Animal Nutrition?
19-05-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
What can the US and the EU learn from each other to accelerate climate action?
07-05-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
The role of gas in Europe’s future energy mix and the transition to zero carbon of Europe’s power sector
04-05-2021 |
Energy |
Blue economy: the potential of our oceans to contribute to a green recovery
29-04-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Reducing the use of antibiotics in the meat sector
21-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership: TOGETAIR Climate Summit 2021
21-04-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Policy Dialogue - Farming talks: Experiences from the field
20-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
La stratégie « De la ferme à la fourchette » en France : cultiver et consommer bio
12-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Sector integration: How can the EU best create and leverage an integrated energy system?
30-03-2021 |
Energy |
How to decarbonise heavy industry: From quick wins to long-term solutions
23-03-2021 |
Energy |
Gender equality in the workplace: How to build on recent progress to reach true parity
17-03-2021 |
Economy |
Hydrogen, sun, wind: Which ones can make the best contribution to Europe's energy transformation?
16-03-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Knowledge, Science, Democracy: What is the role of evidence in policy and society?
12-03-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
New working tool for EU affairs
11-03-2021 |
Public Affairs |
Data Privacy post COVID-19: What has changed and where do we go now?
10-03-2021 |
Digital |
Towards a mandatory EU system of due diligence for supply chains - Realities and consequences
09-03-2021 |
Economy |
What are the realities of the Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies?
04-03-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media4Europe Summit: towards a healthy European news media sector?
03-03-2021 |
Public Affairs |
Digitalisation in times of COVID – Impacts on operations, business models and employees
02-03-2021 |
Digital |
The Just AI Transition: Where are the opportunities and threats?
25-02-2021 |
Digital |
Media Partnership - How can we empower parents to enable a safer video game experience for kids?
24-02-2021 |
Digital |
Media Partnership - Unlocking innovation and access for rare disease patients in Europe
22-02-2021 |
Health and Consumers |
18-02-2021 |
Politics |
Contributing to global climate goals: How can the gas infrastructure sector develop low-carbon and renewable solutions?
16-02-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
Farm To Fork - Can it lead to a 'gold-standard food system' in Europe, focused on SDGs?
16-02-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Media Partnership - One step for energy transformation, a huge leap for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
12-02-2021 |
Energy |
Media Partnership - Beyond 2020: global youth – voices & futures
02-02-2021 |
Youth |
Carbon-neutrality: How can the EU and China co-operate to lead global climate change efforts?
28-01-2021 |
Energy and Environment |
The future of the food service sector in Europe: A roadmap beyond Covid-19
27-01-2021 |
Economy and Jobs |
Media Partnership - What future for the Arctic? The views of European Arctic youth
26-01-2021 |
Global Europe |
Rasism och etnisk diskriminering i dagens media - Racism and ethnic discrimination in the media today in Sweden
19-01-2021 |
Human rights |
Delivering on the EU Green Deal: What role for innovation and disruptive technologies in agriculture?
17-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Atteindre la souveraineté alimentaire: Quels rôles pour l'innovation et les technologies de rupture ?
17-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
The importance of Azerbaijan to the EU: What path to develop deeper relations?
16-12-2020 |
Global Europe |
How to talk climate? Engaging all EU citizens in the climate discussion
16-12-2020 |
Energy |
A sustainable path to climate neutrality: How can energy utility operators contribute?
15-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Ethics in the use of AI: Can regulators agree a standard approach?
11-12-2020 |
Digital |
Setting the EU on track for climate neutrality: The role of gas infrastructure
10-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Towards carbon neutrality – one year in
10-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Sustainable Products Policy: Do all stakeholders agree on what is 'sustainable'?
09-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
The transition to sustainable and smart mobility: How do we get there?
09-12-2020 |
Transport |
Clean Gas Technologies: What opportunities for the EU?
08-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Offshore wind power: How to unlock the necessary investments?
08-12-2020 |
Energy |
Farm to Fork and feed additives: What lies ahead?
07-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Implementing the EU Industrial Strategy – how to track Europe’s competitiveness?
07-12-2020 |
Economy |
Changing the future of Europe's energy mix: What role for different technologies?
03-12-2020 |
Energy |
EU 2050 climate targets: Are they feasible and can they be achieved without stunting economic growth?
03-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Media partnership - How to enable aviation to meet its climate goals? Net zero 2050 is possible!
02-12-2020 |
Climate & Environment |
Carbon pricing: The best instrument for climate change mitigation?
01-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Chemistry - Can it serve as a catalyst for a green and circular rebound?
01-12-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Meeting the 2030 emissions targets: Are we on the right track?
30-11-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
The European Food System: The transition towards sustainability and climate mitigation
26-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Kazakhstan-EU relations: From establishing the partnership to driving it forward
25-11-2020 |
Global Europe |
Reducing EU transport emissions: Can C-V2X deployment play a significant role?
24-11-2020 |
Transport |
Green Deal vor Ort: Umsetzung der EU-Klimapläne in den Regionen und Städten Deutschlands
18-11-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
2020 - The 'perfect storm' for Europe's SMEs?
18-11-2020 |
Economy |
Meeting the new 2030 emissions targets: how do we get there?
17-11-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Food production and the trade map: buying local vs buying global
17-11-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
EU trade policy under pressure: The example of steel
16-11-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Neue Techniken der Pflanzenzüchtung: Die Farm-to-Fork-Strategie und den Green Deal umsetzen
12-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
The 2030 Climate Target Plan: What will it take to reach the target?
10-11-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
30 Jahre deutsche Einheit: Wie steht es um die ostdeutsche Landwirtschaft?
10-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Financing mechanisms for the energy sector: Ensuring a fair transition for all Member States
29-10-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Aviation’s contribution to a green and sustainable recovery: The case of business aviation
29-10-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
29-10-2020 |
Politics |
Intégration des personnes défavorisées sur le marché de l’emploi: Comprendre les opportunités et les défis
28-10-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Sustainable Finance: Opportunity or threat for the manufacturing industry?
27-10-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
27-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
European Green Deal: delivering ambitions through a System Change Compass
23-10-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
The transatlantic bond: How can a close German-U.S. relationship play a pioneering role for the European Union?
22-10-2020 |
Global Europe |
A sustainable brewing sector: What does it mean and how can it be accelerated?
21-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Empowering Citizens - The key to a successful digital health transformation
16-10-2020 |
Health and Consumers |
Chemical Recycling: Can it solve the plastic crisis?
15-10-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Plant-based naming and labelling: How draft regulation fits into the Farm to Fork strategy
15-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Transformation of African economies - The case of Botswana as a gateway to doing business in Africa
14-10-2020 |
Global Europe |
European meat sector: What role for poultry meat in the F2F strategy?
13-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Protecting an evolving workforce: The case for agile protection
07-10-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
The Business End of Farm to Fork: How can companies help deliver truly sustainable food systems?
01-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Can sustainable industries in Europe be globally competitive? The case of batteries
30-09-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Unlocking the benefits of diversity in the workplace
30-09-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Resolving plastic packaging waste: Can deposit return schemes provide a breakthrough?
29-09-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Non-Discrimination Terminology in the Media
28-09-2020 |
Politics |
Driving the Green Deal: How can biofuels help decarbonise EU transport?
24-09-2020 |
Transport |
Klimaneutral bis 2050: Was geht noch in der Landwirtschaft?
24-09-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Ammonia: The missing link in the hydrogen story ?
10-09-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
European Climate Law: How to reach climate neutrality?
09-09-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Investing post-COVID: Is a green recovery assured?
14-07-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
STEM skills: Mind the gap!
13-07-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Rural broadband - Challenges and opportunities
09-07-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat | Free trade agreements: help or hindrance for the EU Agrifood sector?
09-07-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Re-starting the EU economy - How can industry contribute to a resilient and sustainable recovery?
07-07-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
[POSTPONED] France in the EU: its commitments, its vision
01-07-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Food security & Climate change post-COVID - Improving the sustainability of EU agriculture
30-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Achieving a digital and sustainable recovery
26-06-2020 |
Economy and Jobs |
Farm to Fork strategy: What role for nutrients?
23-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
European energy decarbonisation: reinforcing the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality goal through a green recovery
10-06-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Transparency in EU policymaking: The case of glyphosate
04-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Decarbonisation of LNG – Expanding the pathway for clean energy sources in Europe?
13-05-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
The Green Transition at the heart of the EU Recovery Fund
11-05-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Towards a new Marshall Plan for Europe – the role of ICT
08-05-2020 |
Digital |
Cosmocracy: European political parties at the forefront of global governance evolution?
05-03-2020 |
Politics |
Sport and the Environment: What is the ‘Life TACKLE’ project’s contribution in achieving environmental sustainability in sport?
03-03-2020 |
Energy and Environment |
Sustainable Food Systems: Does the EU ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy have all the answers?
06-02-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Trends on collecting policy intelligence
30-01-2020 |
Public Affairs |
POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE. Quel accompagnement pour encourager l’installation des jeunes agriculteurs ?
28-01-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: How the CAP can respond to climate change
23-01-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Cybersecurity: What does it mean to EU citizens?
10-12-2019 |
Digital |
EU businesses’ total tax contribution – towards greater tax transparency
05-12-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Towards a sustainable economy: How to make the circular economy a ‘business model’ for the EU
04-12-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
50% Renewables by 2030: Creating a flexible power system to ensure EU’s renewable ambition becomes a reality
04-12-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Financing the energy transition: Incentives to bring all regions on board
03-12-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
A Sustainable Future for Europe – The Contribution of Frontier Research
03-12-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
EU ‘data sovereignty’: opportunities and challenges
02-12-2019 |
Digital |
The role of ethics in artificial intelligence and data usage
29-11-2019 |
Digital |
Do NECPs from the 28 Member States meet EU transport decarbonisation targets?
27-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Consumer behaviour & climate change: Can heating make a difference?
21-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Revitalising the Single Market: Challenges and opportunities for EU’s new leadership
21-11-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: A fair deal for farmers?
21-11-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Greening mobility: Are we acting fast enough?
20-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Decarbonising the construction industry: Can Europe lead in low carbon buildings and infrastructure?
19-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
A cost-effective transition: Unlocking the benefits of sector coupling
13-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
New Kazakh leadership: What impact for EU-Kazakhstan relations?
13-11-2019 |
Global Europe |
Clothing imports to the EU: Achieving sustainability & transparency in the supply chain
07-11-2019 |
Global Europe |
Emission-free mobility: How will Europe reach its targets?
06-11-2019 |
Transport |
Renewable gases: Where do they stand in the EU's 2050 energy roadmap?
05-11-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Protecting workers: What role for agile solutions?
24-10-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Hacia una agricultura sostenible y competitiva
22-10-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Smart and Open Europe
15-10-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Tap water in the EU: Environmental and health considerations
14-10-2019 |
Health and Consumers |
Accelerating integrated energy systems for a climate-neutral EU
09-10-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Global Eurasia - Connectivity as a driver for peace, stability & security
08-10-2019 |
Global Europe |
Ensuring the future competitiveness of EU industry in a fast-changing global economy
08-10-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Digital Farming: Driving productivity and a more sustainable way of farming
03-10-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Auf dem Weg zur modernen Landwirtschaft: Balance zwischen Biodiversität, Innovation und Erträgen
27-09-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
The future of payments: What next for competition and innovation in payments?
25-09-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
#EUinfluencer 2019: How has social media reshaped political communication?
10-09-2019 |
Digital |
Elles font bouger l'Europe !
08-07-2019 |
Global Europe |
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS): Time to inject a new sense of urgency?
08-07-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Przyszlosc europejskiego rolnictwa: przemiany technologiczne a potrzeby rolnikow
05-07-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Work-life balance: Health and well-being in the digital era
28-06-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Video Debate - Kazakhstan Agenda 2019
27-06-2019 |
Global Europe |
Working towards a balanced energy mix: What role for hydrogen?
25-06-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
#Media4Democracy: ‘VP Democracy’ for Sound Platforms & Independent Media
25-06-2019 |
Digital |
European champions vs. hidden champions: What’s the future of European Industry?
19-06-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU at 10: Foundations, Achievements and Challenges
19-06-2019 |
Politics |
Powering today’s world with tomorrow in mind
18-06-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Transforming Europe’s Power System: How best to manage the system?
12-06-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
AI-enabled Facial Recognition: More than just ethics?
05-06-2019 |
Digital |
Modernisation de l'agriculture. Quel équilibre entre innovation et sécurité alimentaire ?
04-06-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Quo vadis Europa? EU Enlargement – When and how?
04-06-2019 |
Politics |
The road to decarbonisation: Long-term biofuels policy in a changing EU political landscape
29-05-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
An Innovative and Responsible Europe: Empowering young people
15-05-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
European Parliament Elections: What impact for EU sector policies?
14-05-2019 |
Politics |
#eaPolitics Twitter chat: The EU and migration - A crisis of leadership?
25-04-2019 |
Politics |
European Parliament Elections: Is Europe’s Future in Jeopardy?
16-04-2019 |
Politics |
The Role of Bioeconomy in the CAP
10-04-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Elections européennes 2019 - L'avenir de l'Europe est en jeu
10-04-2019 |
Global Europe |
Contributing to a CO2 neutral gas supply: On the road to 2050 – what role for renewable gases and gas infrastructure?
09-04-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Eine neue Sozialpolitik - aber wie und mit wem?
05-04-2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Transforming the global energy system: How to finance a just transition?
04-04-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Nouvelles techniques de sélection végétale: les consommateurs sont-ils suffisamment informés?
03-04-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
The Greek agriculture in the digital age. The challenges of the new CAP.
26-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Neue Verfahren der Pflanzenzüchtung: Sind die Verbraucher ausreichend informiert?
22-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
What role can cyber norms play in improving accountability in cyberspace?
20-03-2019 |
Digital |
A Europe that Champions Well-being: Reframing EU priorities for the next five years
20-03-2019 |
Health and Consumers |
Comment améliorer l'accès des agriculteurs aux financements ?
12-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Better work-life balance: closing the gender employment gap?
27-02-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Carbon leakage: What challenges for energy-intensive industries under the EU's decarbonisation roadmap?
27-02-2019 |
Energy and Environment |
Tourism - a key driver for socio-economic progress
26-02-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
How to secure agri-food supply chains post-Brexit and at what price?
25-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
#eaAgriFood Twitter chat: How can EU farming attract the new generations?
25-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
The future role of wine in society - From consumption to cultural heritage
19-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
European Commission Scoreboard 2014-2019 - Survey results
19-02-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Taking road safety to a new level: Aligning infrastructure, new technologies and changes in mobility trends
06-02-2019 |
Transport |
Corporate & Associations Communications Trend – Survey Presentation
31-01-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Partnerships for Good! Empowering students for well-being in a responsible and active Europe
30-01-2019 |
Health and Consumers |
EU-Kazakhstan relations: From security issues to regional cooperation
30-01-2019 |
Global Europe |
Risks to Europe: Identification, evaluation, mitigation
17-01-2019 |
Economy and Jobs |
Neue Verfahren der Pflanzenzüchtung: Was kommt als nächstes?
13-12-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Quelles innovations pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire pour tous ?
12-12-2018 |
Health and Consumers |
Fraude fiscale en Europe. Quel rôle pour le Parlement européen?
05-12-2018 |
Economy and Jobs |
RED2: what is next for palm oil?
05-12-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
L'énergie bleue: une transition énergétique viable pour l'outre-mer ?
04-12-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
Local Energy Communities: driver of the 2050 low-carbon agenda?
04-12-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
Die neue GAP: Optimale Ressourcenverteilung in den Regionen
03-12-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
The security of European citizens: What role for e-evidence?
29-11-2018 |
Digital |
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Foundations, Achievements, and its Legacy for Europe
28-11-2018 |
Global Europe |
Food packaging and the environment: Towards the end of single-use packaging?
27-11-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Galileo: a critical component for autonomous driving?
26-11-2018 |
Transport |
Can the EU lead on cybersecurity?
22-11-2018 |
Digital |
The Swiss-EU ‘bilateral way’: an inspiring option?
22-11-2018 |
Economy |
A changing workforce: Dealing with income protection gaps
21-11-2018 |
Economy and Jobs |
Ecological disasters in the EU: Can new technologies save lives?
21-11-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
La bioéconomie en France: comment garantir sa soutenabilité?
20-11-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
Packaging in e-commerce: Roles, responsibilities, best practice
20-11-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
#EUinfluencer Ranking 2018
15-11-2018 |
Digital |
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans: Transport Decarbonisation Options for Member States
15-11-2018 |
Energy and Environment |
Die Zukunft des europäischen Energiebinnenmarktes
13-11-2018 |
Energy |
Common Borders, Common Solutions: The Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border regional cooperation
07-11-2018 |
Economy |
COP24 - The road to Katowice: Changing together for a ‘just energy transition’
06-11-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Science in the future of agriculture: Can innovation double food production - and improve sustainability?
05-11-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Can the next CAP support innovation?
18-10-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Climate change and natural hazards: What advantages for building resilience?
17-10-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
CAP and the food supply chain: A fair deal for farmers and consumers
16-10-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Innovation in oncology - Can science make cancer a manageable disease?
15-10-2018 |
Health and Consumers |
#eaSocialEurope Twitter Chat: What future for Social Europe?
11-10-2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Barriers to high-skilled labour mobility - a challenge for European SMEs and the Single Market
10-10-2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Cohesion Policy delivers: the story told by beneficiaries and stakeholders
10-10-2018 |
Economy |
Green Mobility Forum 2018
09-10-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Your association’s Manifesto ahead of the EP Elections 2019
28-09-2018 |
Politics |
Safe EU roads thanks to technology: Can different technologies co-exist?
27-09-2018 |
Transport |
EP ELECTIONS 2019: Europe’s future at stake?
27-09-2018 |
Politics |
EU-Africa relations: Time for a reset?
26-09-2018 |
Global Europe |
A healthy mind in a healthy body - How to promote a healthy environment in schools?
25-09-2018 |
Health and Consumers |
Europe’s electricity market: Ensuring supply security in the transition to renewables
25-09-2018 |
Energy |
Digitalisierung in der europäischen Landwirtschaft: Chancen und Herausforderungen
14-09-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
La vision de la France pour l’avenir de l’UE: Rencontre avec le Représentant Permanent de la France auprès de l’UE
11-09-2018 |
Politics |
The evolution and functioning of Europe’s natural gas market as a result of the Third Gas Directive
05-09-2018 |
Energy |
The role of capacity markets in the electricity market transition
04-09-2018 |
Energy |
#EAAgriFood Twitter Chat: How eco-friendly is organic farming?
18-07-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Greening European agriculture: Can the new CAP be really green?
12-07-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
How to reduce the impact of plastic products on the marine environment?
11-07-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Transport's role in improving air quality in Europe: How best to co-ordinate regulation?
26-06-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Futur du travail en Europe : demain tous indépendants ?
26-06-2018 |
Employment |
Circular economy: Linking the EU and global agenda
21-06-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
La transizione energetica europea: il ruolo del Capacity Market
21-06-2018 |
Energy |
Artificial intelligence in manufacturing: Game changer or just another hype?
20-06-2018 |
Digital |
The Future of Cooling: Implications for Energy and the Environment
19-06-2018 |
Energy |
Modernisation of Kazakhstan: What role for the European Union?
19-06-2018 |
Global Europe |
Quo vadis, EU evidence-based policy making? Addressing the “evidence – policy” gap
19-06-2018 |
Politics |
Une électricité propre pour l'Europe de demain ?
14-06-2018 |
Energy |
Los desafíos del mercado europeo de la electricidad ante la descarbonización de la economía
12-06-2018 |
Energy |
The Road to EP Elections 2019: A Political Manifesto for the Eurozone?
07-06-2018 |
Politics |
Transitioning from conventional to advanced biofuels: What cost for consumers and taxpayers?
07-06-2018 |
Energy |
How should we regulate pesticides? Solutions for safe, transparent decision-making
05-06-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Wire Taps on Your Apps? ePrivacy and Security: Striking a Balance
05-06-2018 |
Digital |
The Channel Tunnel: What economic value to European trade?
04-06-2018 |
Transport |
Solar trade barriers: Who are they benefiting?
24-05-2018 |
Trade |
Innovation in agriculture for a secure food supply: Obtaining better and more resource-efficient crops
23-05-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Heating and cooling: Towards a fossil-free reality?
22-05-2018 |
Energy |
Freedom of expression in Europe: Who draws the line?
16-05-2018 |
Human rights |
Reducing emissions in agriculture: What solutions for a more sustainable farming sector?
16-05-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Making bioeconomy circular: How far can circular economy principles be applied to the bioeconomy?
15-05-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Digital Skills: Mind the Gap
15-05-2018 |
Digital |
Où est l'Europe dans le 93 ?
03-05-2018 |
Youth |
Empowering citizens to protect their health: What role for vaccinations?
26-04-2018 |
Health and Consumers |
Financing EU agriculture after 2020: What future for the CAP?
25-04-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Clearing the clouds: Reduced-risk and vaping regulation
24-04-2018 |
Health and Consumers |
Integrating the EU energy rules into South East Europe
24-04-2018 |
Energy |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Towards a fair food supply chain
13-04-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Safe and circular: Making food contact material work for consumers and the environment
10-04-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Digital Transformation: The opportunity and getting it right
26-03-2018 |
Digital |
Developing our rural areas through the CAP: International conference on funding opportunities for agriculture and rural develop
26-03-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz - Ein ungleiches Paar Schuhe?
22-03-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
The plastic heart of Europe's industrial renaissance: The role of fluoropolymers in revitalising the EU's key industry sectors
21-03-2018 |
Economy |
EU’s Clean Energy Package: Are we on the right track?
20-03-2018 |
Energy |
Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the EU : The Road to 2020
20-03-2018 |
Politics |
Europe's future in high performance computing
08-03-2018 |
Digital |
Le dialogue social : avenir de l’Europe sociale ?
06-03-2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
System flexibility as the key to a decarbonised and resilient European power system
05-03-2018 |
Energy |
Young people and Brexit: Are we listening to the next generation?
28-02-2018 |
UK & Europe |
Plastics Strategy: challenges and opportunities of recycling
27-02-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
What’s next for EU-Kazakhstan relations?
26-02-2018 |
Global Europe |
Transitioning to renewables: What role for biomass?
22-02-2018 |
Energy |
Payments: Converging Users, Sectors and Technology
21-02-2018 |
Finance |
What will Brexit mean for Europe’s railways? Exploring 'EU27' perspectives
20-02-2018 |
Transport |
Deepening the European Economic and Monetary Union: A debate with Commissioner Moscovici
14-02-2018 |
Economy |
Artificial Intelligence: Another bubble or a game changer?
01-02-2018 |
Digital |
Remembering the past to shape the future of Europe
29-01-2018 |
Politics |
Smart prevention works ! Empowering European students to adopt a responsible lifestyle.
24-01-2018 |
Youth |
EU car emissions post 2020: lighter vehicles for less CO2
23-01-2018 |
Climate & Environment |
Which Agricultural sectors will Brexit impact most?
16-01-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
I love/hate EU integration: What future for Europe, the United Kingdom and the EEA?
12-01-2018 |
UK & Europe |
One Belt, One Road initiative: Beyond trade and investment
07-12-2017 |
Global Europe |
Politique Agricole Commune : Quelle viabilité économique ?
07-12-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Promotion of healthy diets in the EU: What role for breakfast?
06-12-2017 |
Health and Consumers |
Digitising European farming equipment: The way forward for successful and sustainable farming?
05-12-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Social is the New Black. But do you know how to wear it in Brussels?
29-11-2017 |
Digital |
Freedom of movement for workers: How to respond to local workers fears of being crowded out of the labour market
28-11-2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Cleaner transport, cleaner Europe: Modernising European mobility for a better environment and society
23-11-2017 |
Climate & Environment |
Reducing food waste: What role for packaging?
22-11-2017 |
Sustainable Development |
Cash and non-cash assistance in humanitarian aid and development
21-11-2017 |
Global Europe |
Digital evidence: Europe’s fragmented crime scene
16-11-2017 |
Digital |
Defeating antimicrobial resistance in European hospitals: The future of hygiene in the healthcare sector
08-11-2017 |
Health and Consumers |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Reviving rural development
07-11-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Social Sentiment Analysis: Get trained by the SSIX project
26-10-2017 |
Digital |
Can European business influence the Brexit outcome?
19-10-2017 |
UK & Europe |
Who are the EU digital influencers? How are they shaping Europe?
19-10-2017 |
Digital |
What is next for eGovernment?
18-10-2017 |
Digital |
Sustainability: Renewable energy in Europe’s clean energy transition
18-10-2017 |
Climate & Environment |
Rural development in Europe: How can the CAP support social cohesion and growth?
17-10-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Recycling Industry and Circular Economy - Up to the Challenge
17-10-2017 |
Sustainable Development |
The European Pillar of Social Rights What’s next for social protection and inclusion?
12-10-2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
La transition énergétique en France : qu'attendre du nouveau gouvernement ?
05-10-2017 |
Energy |
EU plant breeding regulation: Safeguarding agricultural innovation and consumers
29-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
#SSIX Twitter Chat: German Election: Lessons from social media sentiment analysis
29-09-2017 |
Politics |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: What supply chain for consumers & farmers?
26-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
The Data Economy: Ownership, Access & Portability
21-09-2017 |
Digital |
Youth (un)employment: What challenges and solutions for Europe?
14-09-2017 |
Employment |
Innovation in der Landwirtschaft - Wie soll die Landwirtschaft in Zukunft aussehen?
08-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Nord Stream 2 and the Energy Union: Friends or foes?
06-09-2017 |
Energy |
Regulating finance: What future for Europe after the US elections?
28-06-2017 |
Finance |
La santé : Un levier d'attractivité ?
27-06-2017 |
Health and Consumers |
The EU’s FinTech strategy: can Europe compete globally?
27-06-2017 |
Finance |
Brexit: Can a bitter divorce end up in a good trade partnership?
22-06-2017 |
UK & Europe |
Precision farming: The silver bullet for the future of European farming?
21-06-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Fighting poverty across Europe: What’s next for FEAD?
20-06-2017 |
Poverty |
(Over)regulation of consumer goods - A slippery slope?
08-06-2017 |
Health & Consumers |
Biofuels and sustainability: Decarbonising transport and fuelling food security
07-06-2017 |
Climate & Environment |
Electricity market design: A step in the right direction?
06-06-2017 |
Energy |
Boosting investment in the green economy
31-05-2017 |
Finance |
Europe, young talent and the future of work: Employability in the face of technological disruption
30-05-2017 |
Employment |
The Clean Energy Package: Towards a smart and sustainable heat market
30-05-2017 |
Energy |
Integration der Jugend in Europa - Arbeitsmarkt, Soziales, Wahlen
24-05-2017 |
Youth |
Bioenergy for rural development: An engine of growth for a rural renaissance
12-05-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Regulating consumers – ensuring public health?
10-05-2017 |
Health and Consumers |
What does Brexit mean for your organisation? Communicate the realities
27-04-2017 |
UK & Europe |
Freedom of religion or belief beyond the EU borders
26-04-2017 |
Human rights |
What consumers want: A supply chain for farmers and consumers
25-04-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
L’élection présidentielle française au cœur de l’Union européenne
28-03-2017 |
Politics |
Boosting e-commerce in the EU: Drivers and barriers
28-03-2017 |
Digital |
L’engagement des jeunes en Europe: Démocratie participative et économie collaborative
23-03-2017 |
Youth |
Regulating digital services
22-03-2017 |
Digital |
Packaging in the circular economy: A sustainable business?
21-03-2017 |
Climate & Environment |
After the CAP: What future for British agri-trade?
09-03-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Chemical safety in the workplace: An example of better regulation?
07-03-2017 |
Industry & Innovation |
Biofuels in aviation: A sustainable alternative?
28-02-2017 |
Transport |
EU-Belarus co-operation: Can it help in fighting illicit trade?
09-02-2017 |
Global Europe |
The Energy Efficiency Package: Boosting renovation in the EU
08-02-2017 |
Energy |
Towards a more responsible lifestyle for European students
24-01-2017 |
Health and Consumers |
Trade debate with Pascal Lamy: The future of free trade after Brexit and Trump
24-01-2017 |
Trade |
The EURACTIV Metamorphosis
23-01-2017 |
Public Affairs |
Engineering the Energy Union: How electric motors and water systems help achieving our policy goals
09-12-2016 |
Energy |
Flying into the future: Innovation in aviation
07-12-2016 |
Transport |
Enhancing traceability to combat counterfeiting and illicit trade
06-12-2016 |
Trade |
Alternative fuels and cleaner transport: From policy to reality
01-12-2016 |
Transport |
Brexit 50: EURACTIV's power list of Top 50 Brexit influencers
30-11-2016 |
UK & Europe |
EU trade policy at the crossroads
29-11-2016 |
Trade |
What role for positive nutrition in the future?
17-11-2016 |
Health and Consumers |
Who is lobbying for lobbyists?
15-11-2016 |
Public Affairs |
CAP and the Digital Single Market: What growth for agriculture in the digital age?
10-11-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
Is Europe ready for FinTech?
08-11-2016 |
Finance |
Big Data and policy making: What are the challenges and opportunities?
18-10-2016 |
Digital |
Tax transparency: Do new global standards really provide a level playing field?
18-10-2016 |
Finance |
La PAC: Quel soutien pour les jeunes agriculteurs?
18-10-2016 |
Agriculture & Food |
Sharing economy: What challenges and opportunities for Europe?
13-10-2016 |
Digital |
Solar power in Europe: Free trade or trade duties?
12-10-2016 |
Energy |
Free flow of data in industry: The end of trade secrets?
28-09-2016 |
Industry & Innovation |
Changing trends in smuggling: "Illicit whites", a concern for EU security and revenues
27-09-2016 |
Economy |
Sustainable finance: Will the EU step up?
27-09-2016 |
Finance |
EURACTIV Metamorphosis
19-09-2016 |
Public Affairs |
Energy Union, heating and cooling, consumers: It's all about efficiency and comfort in buildings
14-06-2016 |
Energy |
Energy efficiency 2016: The year of delivery?
01-06-2016 |
Energy |
TTIP: What's really in it for businesses?
24-05-2016 |
Trade |
Investment in agriculture, growth and jobs: What role for the CAP?
26-04-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
What will TTIP mean for the UK?
24-03-2016 |
Trade |
What future for Big Data mining?
16-03-2016 |
Digital |
Trade for democracy in South-East Asia
15-03-2016 |
Global Europe |
State of the Energy Union: Policy influencers debate the 1st year's progress
24-02-2016 |
Energy |
How can innovation help agriculture be more sustainable?
17-02-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
TTIP : Quelles opportunités pour la France ?
16-02-2016 |
Trade |
Agriculture et changement climatique : Interactions et défis
26-01-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
How can financial services work better for EU consumers in the digital age?
13-01-2016 |
Finance |