Media Partnership - Rebuilding Europe’s business case: working against the clock

MEDIA PARTNERSHIP - Rebuilding Europe’s business case: working against the clock. ERT Competitiveness and Industry Benchmarking Report 2024
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Is the race for the future already run & lost? Find out at the launch of the latest edition of ERT’s bi-annual Competitiveness and Industry Benchmarking Report. As the European elections approach, this report will bring together 38 KPIs and shine a light on the current state of play of Europe’s competitiveness vis-à-vis its global peers and competitors. What are our strengths and where do have to do better? EU Single Market – Technological Leadership – Regulatory Environment – Digital Transformation and the Green Transition. Find out at this event.
Organised by: ERT
Media Partner: Euractiv
Outi Slotboom, Director, Strategy and Economic Analysis, DG GROW, European Commission
Dr Martin Brudermüller, CEO, BASF SE and Chair of ERT’s Committee on Competitiveness & Innovation
Tom Andersen, Principal Economic Advisor, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Diego Pavía, CEO, EIT InnoEnergy
Claes-Mikael Stahl, Deputy Secretary General of the European Trade Union Council (ETUC)
Rebecca Christie, Senior Fellow at Bruegel and Thomson Reuters columnist
Jennifer Baker
13:00 - 14:00 Light lunch and registration
14:00 - 16:00 Panel event and discussion
16:00 - 17:00 Post-event drink
Ana Alexandrescu