A principled approach - How can we help young people to thrive and be safer online?

Children and teenagers today can access a world of possibilities through watching videos online. Whether it’s exploring important topics around the world, learning new skills, or pursuing passions, high-quality video content can help foster a sense of belonging in the world.
Creating a healthy, safer experience for young people of all ages is a priority for all of us. And as children grow up into teenagers and beyond, how can we ensure they have the right skills and resources to thrive and be safer online? How can policymakers, companies and families better ensure a healthy and safe online experience for children and young people?
Join this Euractiv Hybrid conference to discuss how we can work collaboratively in the EU to inspire and empower young people and their families with the skills and safeguards to navigate online spaces safely and responsibly. Questions we’ll explore include:
- How should we account for differing developmental needs of children and teenagers in their online experiences?
- What safeguards are needed to enable children, teenagers and families to benefit from developing technologies?
- How can children and teens be helped to access high-quality, age appropriate content that meets their individual interests and needs, and helps prepare them for the future?
- What role do policymakers play in equipping and empowering parents and caregivers to set the right digital rules for their families?
- How can the EU encourage governments, technology platforms, civil society, and other stakeholders to work together to improve and enhance safety and wellbeing online?
Supported by:

Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Georgi Dimitrov
Head of Unit, Digital education, DG EAC, European Commission
Martin Harris Hess
Head of Sector, Protection of minors online, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Steven Vosloo
Digital Foresight and Policy Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Fabiola Bas Palomares
Lead Policy & Advocacy Officer on Online Safety, Eurochild
Cecilia Zappalà
Head of EU Government Affairs and Public Policy, YouTube
Jennifer Baker
16:30 - 17:00 Registration of participants
17:00 - 17:05 Welcome
17:05 - 17:20 Panellist statements
17:20 - 18:10 Discussion and Q&A
18:10 - 18:15 Closing statements
Followed by a light networking reception.
Sébastien de Decker