The plastic heart of Europe's industrial renaissance: The role of fluoropolymers in revitalising the EU's key industry sectors

In light of the increasing global competition across all markets there is a broad consensus between the Council, the European Commission and EU Member States that one of the key priorities for the future is to revitalise Europe’s industry sectors to generate growth and prosperity.
The new Industrial Policy Strategy presented by the Commission back in September aims to support European industry to “stay or become the world leader in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation”.
In this context it is the right time to highlight how many strategic industry sectors are interconnected with fluoropolymers and their essential role for a large number of key applications in our modern societies.
The value of fluoropolymers is of vital importance for many key industries in Europe, like electronics, transport, chemicals & power, medical applications and renewable energy.
As an example, a high temperature, high chemical resistance seal in a car is a rather small device but its correct performance is critical for the efficiency and lower emissions of the car.
EURACTIV invites you to this workshop to discuss current challenges and the way forward for Europe’s reindustrialisation by addressing questions as:
- How can the fluoropolymer industry enhance a successful implementation of the industrial policy for the 21st century?
- Is the fluoropolymer industry helping to put the spotlight on research and innovation in Europe’s reindustrialisation policy?
- What further applications of fluoropolymers are possible? What are their socio-economic benefits?
Supported by:
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Carlo Pettinelli, Director for Consumer, Environmental and Health Technologies, DG GROW, European Commission
Alexandre Affre, Industrial Affairs Director, BusinessEurope
Martin Porter, Director of the ECF’s Industry Programme, European Climate Foundation
Heinz Christmann, Attorney, Government Relations, W.L.Gore & Associates
Frédéric Simon, Energy & Environment Editor, EURACTIV
12:00 – 12:30 Registration
12:30 – 13:00 Introduction and opening statements
13:00 – 14:00 Open debate