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State of the Energy Union: Policy influencers debate the 1st year's progress


State of the Energy Union: Policy influencers debate the 1st year's progress

A ranking of the top 40 policy experts with influence in EU Energy Union policy was unveiled at a debate on the “State of the Energy Union one year after its launch”, organised by the EurActiv Institute.

Almost half of those listed in the #EurActory40 took part in the policy debate hosted by Ian Duncan MEP (ECR) in the European Parliament.

EurActory is an innovative directory of EU policy influencers and experts. It already lists more than 300 of the most influential experts in EU Energy Union policy. It is continuously updated with new information. Rankings for other policy topics will be added in the future.

Breaking it down, the #EurActory40 Energy Union ranking reveals that:
- EU Energy Union politics is dominated by Germans and Brits, with France coming in a distant third place; respectively accounting for 9 (DE), 7 (UK) and 4 (FR) influencers in the top 40.
- Policy-makers from the EU institutions make up roughly half of the list (19), closely followed by a group of policy Influencers representing different stakeholders and interests (18). Three energy policy analysts from key (energy) think tanks also made it into the #EurActory40.
- Half of the decision-makers are based outside of Brussels (9 out of 19), while almost all influencers and analysts are based in Brussels (19 out of 21).
- Gender balance is not yet a reality in EU energy policymaking with only 9 women out of 40 (22,5%) in the list. From the 7 UK nationals in the list, all of them are men.

The event was kindly hosted by Ian Duncan MEP

Discover more about EurActory and the event here

Read coverage of the event in two EurActiv articles:
- Green MEP denounces Gazprom’s bullying tactics over Nord Stream 2
- Parliament braced for Energy Union ‘tsunami of legislation’

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European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels

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- Welcome - Rick ZEDNÍK, CEO,
- EurActory Presentation – David MEKKAOUI, Director, Fondation EurActiv
- Moderator - Frédéric SIMON, Publisher,

- Maroš ŠEF?OVI?, European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union
- MEP Jerzy BUZEK, Chair, Committee on Industry, Research & Energy – EPP

Panel statements
- Lineke DEN OUDEN, Energy Attaché, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the EU
- MEP Morten Helveg PETERSEN – ALDE
- MEP Claude TURMES – Greens
- Frauke THIES, Executive Director, Smart Energy Demand Coalition
- Adrian JOYCE, Secretary General, EuroACE