Developing our rural areas through the CAP: International conference on funding opportunities for agriculture and rural develop

To effectively facilitate economic and social development in the rural regions of the Member States is one of the most complex endeavours of the European Union. Structural differences between the various regions of the continent preclude any “one-size-fits-all” solution. From geographical variance to social and economic heterogeneity, the landscape of rural development is painted in a plethora of unique colours.
Having this set-up in mind and understanding the critical importance of agriculture for the future of its citizens, the European Union reformed its Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) so as to better meet the needs of its various regions. The reformed plan provides financial resources for agriculture, proposes measures to protect vulnerable common markets, and advances rural development programmes with a focus on the specific urgencies of each region.
Romania has been one of the main beneficiaries of this policy and its financial resources. Four years after the reform of the CAP, and well within the 2014-2020 programming period, it is now time to look back at the accomplishments of the various initiatives that have been put forward, to extract best practices from these examples, and to enable a new generation of rural actors to advance their work.
The “Developing our rural areas through the CAP” conference will facilitate discussions and debates among past and potential beneficiaries of rural development and agriculture funding opportunities, public officials from national and European institutions, consulting firms, and financial institutions.
The event will provide a space for presenting best practices from past projects and new opportunities on the short, medium and long term. Among other themes, the participants will discuss the impact of the CAP on rural development in Romania, present and future financing opportunities, and alternative EU funding instruments and their synergy with the resources provided by the CAP.
The event will be addressed to all relevant stakeholders: actors in the food, agriculture, energy, and environment sectors, policy makers from both the national and the European level, national agricultural associations, organisations representing rural actors, consumer groups, NGOs, researchers and representatives of the Academia, and last but not least field-experienced journalists.
The participants will be able to exchange experiences and best practices, and to discuss their needs and questions with the best national and European specialists in the fields of EU funding, agriculture reform, and rural development.
The aim of the event will be to enable the participants to plan their work in line with the most recent CAP-related strategies and to take maximum advantage of the opportunities and resources provided by the European Union for the improvement of agricultural practices and the development of rural areas.
Supported by:
Intercontinental Hotel Bucharest
Room Fortuna, floor 21, Intercontinental Hotel , Bucharest
Mihail Dumitru, Deputy Director-General,
DG AGRI, European Commission
Petre Daea, Minister, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania
Alexandru Potor, State Secretary, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – The CAP impact on rural development.
Adrian Pintea, General Director, APIA – The current status of the payment schemes and the support and assistance measures developed by APIA
Daniel Crunteanu, Deputy General Director, AFIR - The current status of the submitted projects and new financial opportunities within AFIR
Representative, UniCredit Bank
Andreea Agrigoroaei, Director (agriculture measures), AM PNDR (the National Rural Development Programme)
Alecsandru Rusu, Chief of service (non-agriculture measures), AM PNDR (the National Rural Development Programme)
Beneficiaries of EU funds (PNDR)
Camelia Limbasan, Project Manager, GAL Tara Oltului
David Daniel Limbasan, Producer of traditional Mangalita meat products
Marilena Andrei, Project manager SPRING, PACT
Hagi Stoican, President, the Cooperative Society “Bostanii lui Stoican", Ocolna, Dolj county
Alexandra Toderita, Executive Director, CRPE
Marinela Culea, Director, “Cezar Nicolau" Technological High School, Branesti-Ilfov
09:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:00 Welcome and introductory presentation from special guests
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:30 Rural development and CAP impact
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 European funds and beneficiaries
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:30 External financing and shared experience