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Media partnership - Computer in Command: do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers require EU policy action?


Media partnership - Computer in Command: do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers require EU policy action?

On October 16, join us at the European Economic and Social Committee for an engaging debate on the increasing impact of artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work and potential EU policy action in this area, organised by the FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme and the EESC Workers' Group.

The renowned speakers will include Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; S&D MEP Brando Benefei; Lucie Studnicná, president of the EESC Workers’ Group; and Isabelle Schömann, deputy general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, among many others.

This conference comes at a timely moment when the EU institutions are setting the agenda for the next five years. Following the Platform Work Directive, which contains rules on algorithmic management for platform workers, the European Commission commissioned an external study into the use of algorithms for managing, monitoring and recruiting for ALL workers; the mission letter for the recently announced Executive Vice-President-designate of the European Commission for People, Skills and Preparedness portfolio also, includes an initiative on algorithmic management. In this legislature, it is crucial that trade unions, policymakers and experts work together to ensure the protection of workers' rights from the consequences of Algorithmic Management and AI.

In this conference, key findings from the research ‘Computer in command: Consequences of algorithmic management for workers’, based on a survey of over 6,000 union members in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, will be presented. The survey concludes that 76% of workers within sectors like warehousing and telemarketing experience one or more forms of Algorithmic Management. They report having less autonomy in their jobs, a greater workload, feeling more stressed, and greater concern among employees about job security.

We will explore these impacts, extrapolating our focus from the unique labour environments of the Nordic countries—Finland, Sweden, and Norway—where long-standing traditions of labour organisation intersect with rapidly advancing technologies to their implications for EU policymaking.

We shall also examine EU legal provisions on AI in the workplace, identifying critical areas that require a reassessment of its application, the potential actions trade unions can take and necessary legislative interventions.

If you wish to participate in this conference on the consequences of Algorithmic Management for workers, you can register now on our website:

Organised by: FEPS and the EESC Workers' Group
Media Partner: Euractiv


The European Economic and Social Committee
Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040


Gerard Rinse Oosterwijk, Digital Policy Analyst FEPS


14.00 Registration and arrival of participants and speakers

14.30-14.45 Welcoming words by:
Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Deputy General Secretary
Lucie Studnicná, President of the EESC Workers' Group
László Andor, Secretary General of FEPS and former European Commissioner of Social Affairs

14.45-15.20 Keynote speech:
Phoebe V. Moore, Futures of Work Professor, University of Essex

Followed by Q&A

15.20-16.40 First panel:
Franca Salis-Madinier, EESC member, vice-president of the Workers' Group, on her work as rapporteur of an EESC opinion on Algorithmic Management

Presentation of the FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme Survey Study on the workers’ experience with algorithmic management by Magnus Thorn Jensen of CEVEA

Followed by a panel discussion with:
Ignacio Gonzalez Vazquez, JRC European Commission on their publication; Algorithmic Management practices in regular workplaces: case studies in logistics and healthcare
Nicola Countouris, UCL, Professor of Labour Law and European Law
Cinzia del Rio, EESC, President of Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC)
Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Deputy General Secretary
Max Uebe, Head of Unit - "Future of Work, Youth Employment, European Commission

Followed by Q&A

16.40-16.55 Short coffee break

16.55-18.10 Second panel:
Presentation of the case studies on algorithmic management in different sectors in the Nordics by Theo Cox of Demos Helsinki and Tereza Ostbo Kuldova of the Oslo Met Univerity

Followed by a panel discussion with:
Jeremias Adams-Prassl, University of Oxford, professor of law, leading an interdisciplinary project exploring the rise of Algorithms at Work, funded by the European Research Council
Laura Nurski, Head of Programme – Future of Work, CEPS
Anna Milanez, labour market economist in the OECD’s Future of Work team
Emilia Gómez, Lead Scientist, European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency, European Commission (TBC)
Brando Benifei, MEP, S&D Group in the European Parliament
Giulia Barbucci, EESC Workers' Group member, rapporteur on EESC opinion on AI for public services, organisation of work, more equal and inclusive societies

Followed by Q&A

18.10-18.30 Closing remarks by:
Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS president
Lucie Studnicná, President of the EESC Workers' Group

18.30-20.30 Networking reception, Atrium 6 of the EESC


Ana Alexandrescu