Alternative fuels and cleaner transport: From policy to reality
With 94% of depending on traditional fuels, the current European transport sector requires up to €1 billion a day and is responsible for a quarter of EU carbon emissions. Research and technological development have proved that alternative low-emission fuels can be a solution in all transport modes.
Concrete steps need to be implemented. For example, the European Commission’s Clean Power for Transport package sets several milestones for the adoption of a single market for alternative fuels in Europe.
EURACTIV organised this workshop to discuss practical solutions for the uptake of alternative fuels and implementation of the EU strategy. Questions included:
- What are the main constraints for the adoption of alternative fuels in European transport? What are the market and regulatory needs?
- How to achieve a balance between long-term solutions and immediately available alternatives?
- What role can the industry play in the adoption of alternative fuels? And consumers?
- What policy and concrete measures are needed by the EU institutions and member states?
Supported by:
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Nikolaus von Peter, Member of Commissioner Violeta Bulc’s Cabinet
Ismail Ertug MEP, S&D Spokesperson on Transport
Jon Jordan, European Association for Hydrogen and fuel cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions (HyER)
Matthias Maedge, Chair of the Transport Taskforce, GasNaturally
Cécile Nourigat, Autogas Manager, European LPG Association (AEGPL)
8.30 – 9.00 Registration and networking breakfast
9.00 – 9.30 Input statements
9.30 – 10.30 Open debate and conclusion