Media Partnership - Early Detection Policy Forum: Advancing Policy Development for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Early Detection
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Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a complex, lifelong autoimmune condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age, lifestyle, or family history. It is often diagnosed late in its progression (stage 3), when symptoms appear, increasing the risk of complications and hospitalization. However, screening for autoantibodies can now detect T1D months or even years before the first symptoms appear.
Despite this, screening is not yet part of standard of care, due to unclear guidelines and inconsistencies in treatment pathways. With advancements in disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) that can impact the course of early-stage disease, there is a need to optimize and scale current screening practices. Global momentum for T1D early detection is growing, supported by new clinical guidelines and legislative initiatives, such as Italy’s groundbreaking screening law and EDENT1FI, a Horizon Europe project aiming to integrate screening within healthcare systems across Europe.
The Early Detection Policy Forum, co-organized by Breakthrough T1D NL (formerly JDRF), Diabetes+, Diabeter, the Dutch Diabetes Association, Diabetes Fonds and Sanofi, in media partnership with Euractiv, is part of a broader effort to translate these advancements into actionable policy strategies at both local and European levels. As recently highlighted by Commissioner Várhelyi during his meeting with the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF), Europe has a unique opportunity to drive transformative change in diabetes care.
Held alongside the 18th International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), in Amsterdam, this hybrid side event will bring together healthcare experts, advocates, and policymakers to address these key questions:
· What are the benefits of T1D early detection in relatives?
· How can we transition from screening to monitoring and turn insights into action?
· What policy advancements are needed to scale T1D early detection across Europe?
Join the conversation to help shape the future of early detection and drive policy advancements in T1D care across Europe.
Rosarium Amsterdam
Amstelpark 1, Europaboulevard
1083 HZ, Amsterdam
Dr. Henk-Jan Aanstoot
Clinical Research Director at Diabeter
Prof. Chantal Mathieu
Coordinator EDENT1FI, President of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Vice-Chair of the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF), Head of Dept. Endocrinology at UZ Leuven
Sanne Schripsema
Person living with T1D, Breakthrough T1D, NL
Dr. Maartje de Wit
Principal Investigator in the field of Diabetes Psychology at the Amsterdam UMC
Cas de Heus
Person living with T1D, Initiator and Founder of Diabetes+
Dr. Markus Lundgren
Consultant Pediatrician and Researcher at Lund University
Prof. Jurgen Vercauteren
Person living with T1D, Project Manager EDENT1FI
Bart Torbeyns
Executive Director, European Diabetes Forum (EUDF)
Jack Parrock
20:00-20:05: Welcome by co-organizing partners
20:05-21:15: Program
- Introduction to screening for T1D in relatives
- What are the benefits of screening for T1D?
- Managing the invisible burden – The value of T1D early detection
- Moving from screening to monitoring – Turning screening insights into action
- Spotlight on ‘The Adventures of Rhodes and Alana’, a new children’s book series by Rhodes and Alana Ritenour inspiring early awareness of T1D
- Advancing policy in T1D early detection and screening across Europe
21:15-21:30: Q&A Session and Closing Remarks
Síofra Gilmore