Tax transparency: Do new global standards really provide a level playing field?

A large majority of states are today committed to the new global standards for more transparency in the tax area, for both individuals and company. In light of recent revelations like the Panama Papers and LuxLeaks, their effective implementation has become even more paramount.
The European Union has high ambitions in the fight against tax avoidance. Switzerland is strongly committed to the new global standards. The Swiss-EU agreement on the automatic exchange of information in tax matters was one of the first of its kind. Both are preparing legislation to force multinational companies to exchange tax information with authorities and the EU wants to go even further.
EURACTIV organised this high-level conference to discuss the application of international tax transparency standards. Questions included:
- Shall the EU lead the way and set standards at the international level?
- Can these standards lead to more tax justice and equal conditions among financial and economic centres?
- What role can strong financial centres like Switzerland play in the future?
- How can authorities efficiently handle and use the increasing stream of data at their disposal?
Stanhope Hotel
Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
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Keynote speaker:
Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador for Multilateral Tax Issues, Swiss Ministry of Finance
Panel contributors:
Valère Moutarlier, Director, Direct Taxation, Tax Coordination, Economic Analysis and Evaluation, DG TAXUD
Michael Theurer MEP, ECON Committee Member
Tove Ryding, Policy and Advocacy Manager for Tax Justice, Eurodad
Christophe Bonte, Senior Adviser, Swiss Finance Council
15.30 – 16.00 Registration
16.00 – 16.45 Keynote speech and panel discussion
16.45 – 17.30 Open discussion with participants
17.30 – 18.00 Networking reception