Big Data and policy making: What are the challenges and opportunities?

Big data has the potential to advance collective decision-making processes. For example, Data mining has become increasingly popular to obtain a better understanding of what is relevant to the public. Furthermore sentiment analysis evaluates public opinion and can be applied to monitor and assess the effectiveness of policies.
However it can also be challenging to use innovative data-driven approaches for policy making. Having more data doesn’t necessarily lead to more actionable insights and the complex skill sets required for big data analytics pose a particularly acute challenge.
EURACTIV organised a workshop to explore the following topics:
- What are the promises and limitations of big data for policy making?
- How can data mining be used to develop a better informed policy?
- What challenges have to be considered with an innovative data-driven policy approach?
- Do policymakers provide adequate legislation for the rising need of data processing?
Supported by:
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Antanas Guoga MEP, European Parliament
Guido Lobrano, Deputy Director, BusinessEurope
Sebastian Hufnagel, Vice-Chair for Digital Enterprise Policy Group, DIGITALEUROPE
Daniel Fritz, CEO, EU Insight
Brian Davis, Research Fellow, NUI Galway
12:00 – 12:30 Registration and networking lunch
12:30 – 13:45 Panel debate and open discussion
13:45 – 14:00 Conclusion and final remarks