Media Partnership - The future of connectivity and our new internet ecosystem
European policymakers have expressed concerns about the health of European connectivity ecosystems, especially in light of the emergence and rise in popularity of next-generation applications and services. There are questions about how the EU can prepare for a future that is already materialising and has significant potential yet to be unlocked. The EU needs resilient networks to support the growing volumes of data and advanced performance capabilities required by new technologies.
Society already benefits from the capabilities of emerging technologies. With the aid of AI and immersive technologies, organisations across sectors can create corporate digital twins that replicate assets, teams, and processes. Decision-makers, within a variety of industries, use virtual environments to optimise business processes and improve the safety of their work environments. According to a 2022 strategic document from the European Commission, augmented reality and virtual reality could form a €766 billion industry globally by 2025. Some estimates link the AR/VR industry to employment for up to 860,000 people by 2025 in Europe.
As technologies continue to advance, many stakeholders argue that no technology should be favoured. They claim that innovation and investment in a mix of mobile and fixed technologies is necessary to meet future connectivity needs. This is particularly important as policymakers work to implement the Digital Decade policy programme and leverage the objectives of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA).
Join this stakeholder workshop to discuss the changing technological landscape in Europe. The discussion will explore the key applications and use cases expected to impact Europe’s connectivity sector over the coming decade and beyond. How can the EU prepare for this future? How soon can Europe’s businesses and citizens access this new connectivity paradigm?
Please note that this is an in-person only stakeholder workshop and will not be live-streamed.
Organised by: GIGAEurope
Media Partner: EURACTIV
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Kamila Kloc
Acting Director, Connectivity, DG CNECT, European Commission
Michel Van Bellinghen
Member, Management Board, BEREC & Chairman, BIPT Council
Cláudio Teixeira
Legal Officer, Digital and Consumer Rights, BEUC
Audrey Scozzaro Ferrazzini
Senior Director, Government Affairs, Qualcomm
Reinald Krüger
Chair, Board of Directors, GIGAEurope
Mariam Zaidi
12:30 – 12:35 Welcome
12:35 – 12:50 Panellist statements
12:50 – 13:55 Discussion and Q&A
13:55 – 14:00 Closing statements
Síofra Gilmore