Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

The European connectivity landscape - What reforms are needed for a new era?


The European connectivity landscape - What reforms are needed for a new era?

In February 2024, the European Commission published the White Paper on "How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs". It analyses a set of possible actions to foster innovation, security and resilience of digital infrastructures.

Connectivity is the backbone of a competitive digital and green economy. Some industry stakeholders argue that excessive market fragmentation, spectrum costs and an outdated regulatory framework have caused the telecom sector’s revenues to decrease, despite growing reliance on digital networks and connectivity. They say that European telcos have lost 80% of their market value over the last 20 years, while revenues across the broader internet ecosystem have significantly increased. Concerned stakeholders believe that a paradigm shift is needed for Europe to effectively compete in the global economy.

According to Margrethe Vestager, the fragmentation of the EU's telecom market and different regulations in the 27 Member States are a missed economic opportunity. With the publication of the White Paper, various policy solutions to help the creation of a Single Market for Telcos have been identified.

The upcoming European elections present an opportunity to place the reform of the telecom sector on the EU political agenda. A new regulatory framework could allow for long-term investment, recognising the need for economies of scale and enabling the fast deployment of world-leading connectivity. In this way the EU could rekindle its competitiveness and technological leadership.

Join this Euractiv event to discuss the reforms needed to strengthen the European telecoms industry and advance the EU’s digital ambitions. Questions to be discussed include:
- What regulatory changes are needed for the digital infrastructure framework to improve European competitiveness?
- What are the key takeaways from the European Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs”?
- With the upcoming report on the future of the Single Market, what needs to be done to move closer to a true European Telecoms Single Market?

This Euractiv event will be preceded by a 15 minute launch of GSMA's European Manifesto.

Supported by:


GSMA Europe
Regent Park - 1st Floor, Boulevard du Régent 35, 1000 Brussels


Kamila Kloc
Director Digital Decade and Connectivity, DG CNECT, European Commission

Aleksander Soltysik
Chairperson, Radio Spectrum Policy Group

Peter Alexiadis
Research Fellow, CERRE, and Visiting Professor, King’s College London

Ben Wreschner
Chief Economist and Head of Public Affairs, Vodafone Group, and Chair of Policy Group Europe, GSMA


Jennifer Baker


16:30 - 17:00 Registration of participants
17:00 - 17:15 Presentation of the Mobile Industry Manifesto for Europe by GSMA
17:15 – 17:20 Euractiv Policy Debate - Welcome by the moderator
17:20 – 17:35 Panellist statements
17:35 – 18:25 Discussion and Q&A
18:25 – 18:30 Closing statements

Followed by a networking reception


Ana Alexandrescu

Related article

GSMA calls for new connectivity regulatory framework to accelerate long-term investment [Advocacy Lab Content]

GSMA calls for new connectivity regulatory framework to accelerate long-term investment [Advocacy Lab Content]

On 20 March, GSMA – the organisation representing the interests of mobile network operators worldwide – published its latest manifesto, setting out reforms it believes are needed to make Europe’s connectivity ecosystem fit for the future.