Events Calendar

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Euractiv Events

Media Partnership: Sustainable taxes and economic growth post-Covid – The role for European multinational companies


Media Partnership: Sustainable taxes and economic growth post-Covid – The role for European multinational companies

Watch the recording here

The tax landscape has evolved over the last decade. There has been a perceived lack of trust in large businesses and a concern that globalisation has benefited larger companies rather than the population at large. The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated inequalities and public deficits, with governments facing the dual challenge of responding to emergencies and addressing the economic fallout. This has ultimately led to calls for greater transparency and reforms of international tax rules including OECD Pillar 1 and 2, EU public country by country reporting and more.

With the changing business environment, volatility in the energy markets, and tightening of the financial markets, large multinational companies (MNCs) have been forced to quickly adapt and innovate.

Join this European Business Tax Forum (EBTF) hybrid conference with the support of Euractiv, to discuss the role and resilience of European MNCs in contributing to public finances and the social welfare system during the pandemic and recovery thereof.

Questions to be discussed include:

- What is the current level of total tax contributions paid by MNCs following the pandemic? How has it changed compared to previous years?
- What have the policy responses been with regards to MNCs and taxation in the post-Covid pandemic environment with rising energy prices and inflation?
- What is the link between tax and sustainability?

Organised by: EBTF
Media Partner: Euractiv


Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

Google Maps >>


Presentation of EBTF's:

- Total Tax Contribution study (fifth edition); and
- Sustainability & Taxation study

Mai Trinh
EBTF member; Head of tax risk, reporting and reputation, RELX

Prof. Dr. Peter Hongler
Professor of Tax Law, University of St. Gallen

Speakers - Panel discussion:

Michael Ludlow
Chair, EBTF; Group Head of tax, Swiss Re

Prof. Dr. Peter Hongler
Professor of Tax Law, University of St. Gallen

Edwin Visser
Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC

Kurt Van Dender
Acting Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division, OECD


Dave Keating


14:00 – 14:30 Registration of in-person participants
14:30 – 14:35 Welcome
14:35 – 15:05 Presentation of EBTF's studies
15:05 – 16:20 Discussion and Q&A
16:20 – 16:30 Closing statements

Followed by light networking reception.


Tamara Novel