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#EAAGRIFOOD TWITTER CHAT | The Shape of the CAP to come


#EAAGRIFOOD TWITTER CHAT | The Shape of the CAP to come

Join EURACTIV and our AgriFood journalists Gerardo Fortuna and Natasha Foote on Tuesday 22 June for a Twitter Chat on the shape of the CAP to come.

As the legislative process is drawing to a close, the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform is taking its final shape. The new EU’s farming subsidies programme will rely on a newly minted green architecture as well as on reinforced conditionalities for both environmental and social aspects.

However, the shaping of the CAP does not stop at getting the three regulations done, as one of its core aims is to delegate more responsibility to member states in planning CAP investments and policies. This means that member states will now be directly responsible for CAP – its design, implementation and evaluation – allowing for a more flexible and targeted approach to the CAP.

These plans are then due to be presented during 2021 and will, in principle, be implemented from 2022 onwards.

What are your expectations for the CAP to come?

Our Twitter account @eaAgriFood will share the following questions on Twitter and invite you to share responses using #eaAgriFood.

Q1. What do the CAP recipients of the future reform look like to you?

Q2. What type of eco-scheme do you see will be the most popular in your country?

Q3. Will the new CAP provide European farmers with a shield against imports that do not meet the EU’s higher environmental standards?

Q4. Is the new CAP well-shaped to address increasingly frequent adverse events, from extreme weather to public health emergencies?

Q5. The CAP consists of two funding structures, or 'pillars', with the direct payments being the lion’s share. Is there a possibility that more emphasis on rural development might be placed?

What is a Twitter chat, and how do you join?

A Twitter Chat is a discussion between Twitter users that get online at a pre-arranged date and time to discuss a specific topic using a designated #hashtag (for this chat it’s #eaAgriFood). The hashtag links the questions and answers in a virtual conversation.

As the host of the Twitter Chat, @eaAgriFood will post questions identified as Q1, Q2 and so on, to prompt answers from participants, which are identified as A1, A2 and so on. We will moderate the answers and ask follow up questions to participants. Please be sure to use the #eaAgriFood when answering the questions.

The Twitter Chat will last about an hour. The best way to see the entire conversation is to search for the hashtag #eaAgriFood on twitter and switch to the "latest tweets" tab.

The content of this publication/event represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Supported by:

DG AGRI Shaping agriculture


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@eaAgriFood - The Twitter account of EURACTIV's Agriculture and & Food Hub


12:30 Start of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
13:30 End of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
The times are in CEST (Brussels time)


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