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Euractiv Events

Brexit 50: EURACTIV's power list of Top 50 Brexit influencers


Brexit 50: EURACTIV's power list of Top 50 Brexit influencers

On 30 November 2016, EurActiv revealed its []#Brexit50 ranking[/url]

This EurActiv event in Westminster revealed the 50 most influential people shaping Britain’s exit - EurActiv's '#Brexit50' - as part of a panel discussion.

Despite Britain’s referendum on the EU being called by a man, and both the Leave campaign and the Remain campaign being led by men, women now hold most of the cards when it comes to negotiating Brexit. Download the ranking

The ranking was decided by a panel of UK-EU affairs specialists, with EurActiv readers having been invited to suggest names.

Daniela Vincenti, editor-in-chief of EurActiv said: “Our Brexit50 ranking gives you a glance at the movers and shakers that will play a key role in this process in the months and years ahead. The political situation is so dynamic it will be interesting to see how the personalities shift in the weeks and months ahead.”

See the full Press Release here

The Guardian covered the release of EurActiv's Brexit50 ranking: EU negotiators outrank UK ministers in Brexit 'power list'

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Malcolm Harbour CBE, former Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Agata Gostynska-Jaxubowska, Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
George McGregor- MD, Interel Consulting UK
Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, Head, KonradAdenauer Stiftung office in GB
Renaud Thillaye, Research Associate, Policy Network


18.00 Welcome from Jackie Minor- Head, European Commission Representation in the UK and Ian HALL - UK Director, EurActiv
18.05 PANEL DEBATE: ‘From Article 50 to Brexit -the UK and European context’
18.45 PANEL DEBATE (part two), incl. audience Q&A 'Brexit: the key influencers looking ahead‘
19.30 Networking reception: drinks and canapés


Alex Woodall
+44 (0)7 501 267 049