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Euractiv Events

European Parliament Elections: Is Europe’s Future in Jeopardy?


European Parliament Elections: Is Europe’s Future in Jeopardy?, expert news portal focusing on European and international affairs, has the pleasure to invite you for the conference “European Parliament Elections: Is Europe’s Future in Danger?”

European elections are crucial for Poland and Europe, but also from the global perspective:

- In Poland, it will be a true battleground of ideas, where two main political blocs will face each other at the time when Polish political scene is more polarized than ever. Will other political powers manage to pluralize the Polish representation in Europe?

- For Europe, the elections will show where Poland stands in terms of European integration. Since, the future of the EU is in Poland’s hands as much as it is in Germany’s or France’s, it is inevitable that the choice of Polish citizens will matter for the whole Europe.

- From the global, especially transatlantic perspective, Poland is an extremely important state on the Eastern flank of NATO and that is why its choices will heavily impinge on the cooperation and security within the whole region.

We will discuss these perspectives with key Polish politicians and candidates for the European Parliament, as well as leading experts in the field of European studies.

Supported by:

Amcham  EU
American Chamber of Commerce in Poland




09:00 - 09:30 Guests registration
09:30 - 09:40 Opening remarks
09:40 - 11:30 Political discussion offering comprehensive presentation of the programs
11:30 - 11:50 Q&A session
11:50 - 12:00 Concluding remarks
12:00 - 12:30 Networking cold buffet


Karolina Zbytniewska
+48 (0) 22 658 19 81

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