Nourishing Europe - Financing the path to resilient and sustainable food systems
31-10-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: The future of agriculture and fertilizer production in the EU
15-10-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgrifood Twitter Space I Upcoming EU Mandate: What Are the New Agrifood Priorities?
23-05-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Organic farming in the EU - What role for a greener Europe?
18-04-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgrifood Twitter Chat: Carbon farming - Which Developments in the Future?
21-03-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Pestizidverordnung - Was ist der deutsche Ansatz?
19-02-2024 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat | Green Deal and farming - Divorce or happy ever after?
29-11-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Media Partnership: Decarbonising fertilizer production. Pathways to sustainable food
14-11-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
New genomic techniques - What lies ahead?
25-10-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
PAC et PSN français: où en sommes-nous ?
09-10-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
CAP reform - Is 'social conditionality' the answer for agri-workers?
26-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Food for Thought - How can we reshape our food systems for a sustainable future?
20-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: Upskilling Hospitality – For more Sustainability and Resilience in Food Supply Chains
07-06-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - Soil health & agriculture: Going beneath the surface
22-05-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
The 'Sustainable Use of Pesticide Regulation' - Navigating the path to a greener EU
26-04-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
20-04-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Media Partnership - Women in the agri-food industry
08-03-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Empowering consumers for a successful green transition
07-02-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Comment le nouveau gouvernement français envisage-t-il la mise en œuvre d'une PAC efficace ?
06-02-2023 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
06-12-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Precision Agriculture - What do EU farmers want?
05-12-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - AgriTalks Ireland: The Brazilian experience in reducing the carbon footprint in livestock farming
30-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Front-of-pack labelling reform - Is it fit for the future?
29-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Empowering consumers to make healthy food choices
16-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
East Africa food crisis - Breaking the cycle of drought, hunger and famine
15-11-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Integration von GAP und Green Deal - Die Zukunft nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft?
26-10-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
20-09-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Shaping the CAP - How to ensure food security and green ambitions in times of crisis
28-06-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Reducing European methane emissions – The potential of EU livestock
21-06-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
19-05-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
The role of food supplements in improving health in the EU
28-04-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: The Scientific Basis of the Brazilian Agricultural Revolution
23-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Medienpartnerschaft: Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die landwirtschaftliche Revolution Brasiliens
23-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: The unintended impact of European sustainability standards on global food systems
22-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
22-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Sustainable agriculture transformation agenda for Africa - Empowering farmers and building food security sustainably
14-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Quelle place pour le secteur agricole dans le plan de relance européen ?
11-02-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Farm to Fork Strategy – What are the policy instruments needed to reach the targets?
27-01-2022 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - How clean are Europe’s food supply chains? The case of Spanish pork
14-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
The European Green Deal - How does it impact EU food and drink SMEs?
07-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Between Farm and Fork: The role of innovative ingredients and food technology in achieving F2F objectives
06-12-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung im Europäischen Aufbauplan in Deutschland
29-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - Cooperativism and the ESG Agenda
25-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: Healthy soils for sustainable agriculture
17-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Policy Dialogue: Can Glyphosate play a role in achieving greater biodiversity?
04-11-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Zero carbon brewing and beverages - How can stakeholder co-operation achieve it?
29-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
27-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Concrete measures for the food industry to go carbon-neutral
26-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
CAP reform - How will EU Member States deliver on their CAP Strategic Plans?
20-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership: Corteva Media Club - The Challenge of Food Security | The Global Food Security Index 2021
14-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Farm to Fork: What the analysis and data tell us
12-10-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - The road to COP26: is beef a climate change villain?
22-09-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
The role of science in sustainable food and how to communicate it
06-07-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
EU policies for healthy food environments – What role for all stakeholders?
05-07-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Data-driven actions as the key to deliver sustainability in the EU dairy sector?
30-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
EC study on new genomic techniques – What’s next?
22-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#EAAGRIFOOD TWITTER CHAT | The Shape of the CAP to come
22-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Shaping the agriculture of tomorrow - How can farmers and consumers benefit from a reformed CAP?
01-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Media Partnership - The European Green Deal: How does the German Mineral Water Sector Contribute?
01-06-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Animal Health and Welfare: What role for Animal Nutrition?
19-05-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Reducing the use of antibiotics in the meat sector
21-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Policy Dialogue - Farming talks: Experiences from the field
20-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
La stratégie « De la ferme à la fourchette » en France : cultiver et consommer bio
12-04-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
What are the realities of the Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies?
04-03-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Farm To Fork - Can it lead to a 'gold-standard food system' in Europe, focused on SDGs?
16-02-2021 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Delivering on the EU Green Deal: What role for innovation and disruptive technologies in agriculture?
17-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Atteindre la souveraineté alimentaire: Quels rôles pour l'innovation et les technologies de rupture ?
17-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Farm to Fork and feed additives: What lies ahead?
07-12-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
The European Food System: The transition towards sustainability and climate mitigation
26-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Neue Techniken der Pflanzenzüchtung: Die Farm-to-Fork-Strategie und den Green Deal umsetzen
12-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
30 Jahre deutsche Einheit: Wie steht es um die ostdeutsche Landwirtschaft?
10-11-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
27-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
A sustainable brewing sector: What does it mean and how can it be accelerated?
21-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Plant-based naming and labelling: How draft regulation fits into the Farm to Fork strategy
15-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
European meat sector: What role for poultry meat in the F2F strategy?
13-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
The Business End of Farm to Fork: How can companies help deliver truly sustainable food systems?
01-10-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Klimaneutral bis 2050: Was geht noch in der Landwirtschaft?
24-09-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Rural broadband - Challenges and opportunities
09-07-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat | Free trade agreements: help or hindrance for the EU Agrifood sector?
09-07-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Food security & Climate change post-COVID - Improving the sustainability of EU agriculture
30-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Farm to Fork strategy: What role for nutrients?
23-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Transparency in EU policymaking: The case of glyphosate
04-06-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Sustainable Food Systems: Does the EU ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy have all the answers?
06-02-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE. Quel accompagnement pour encourager l’installation des jeunes agriculteurs ?
28-01-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: How the CAP can respond to climate change
23-01-2020 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: A fair deal for farmers?
21-11-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Hacia una agricultura sostenible y competitiva
22-10-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Madrid |
Digital Farming: Driving productivity and a more sustainable way of farming
03-10-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Huldenberg |
Auf dem Weg zur modernen Landwirtschaft: Balance zwischen Biodiversität, Innovation und Erträgen
27-09-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Przyszlosc europejskiego rolnictwa: przemiany technologiczne a potrzeby rolnikow
05-07-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Warsaw |
Modernisation de l'agriculture. Quel équilibre entre innovation et sécurité alimentaire ?
04-06-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |
The Role of Bioeconomy in the CAP
10-04-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Nouvelles techniques de sélection végétale: les consommateurs sont-ils suffisamment informés?
03-04-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |
The Greek agriculture in the digital age. The challenges of the new CAP.
26-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Thessaloniki |
Neue Verfahren der Pflanzenzüchtung: Sind die Verbraucher ausreichend informiert?
22-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Comment améliorer l'accès des agriculteurs aux financements ?
12-03-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |
How to secure agri-food supply chains post-Brexit and at what price?
25-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
London |
#eaAgriFood Twitter chat: How can EU farming attract the new generations?
25-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
The future role of wine in society - From consumption to cultural heritage
19-02-2019 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Neue Verfahren der Pflanzenzüchtung: Was kommt als nächstes?
13-12-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Die neue GAP: Optimale Ressourcenverteilung in den Regionen
03-12-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Science in the future of agriculture: Can innovation double food production - and improve sustainability?
05-11-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Can the next CAP support innovation?
18-10-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
CAP and the food supply chain: A fair deal for farmers and consumers
16-10-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Digitalisierung in der europäischen Landwirtschaft: Chancen und Herausforderungen
14-09-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
#EAAgriFood Twitter Chat: How eco-friendly is organic farming?
18-07-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Greening European agriculture: Can the new CAP be really green?
12-07-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
How should we regulate pesticides? Solutions for safe, transparent decision-making
05-06-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Innovation in agriculture for a secure food supply: Obtaining better and more resource-efficient crops
23-05-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Reducing emissions in agriculture: What solutions for a more sustainable farming sector?
16-05-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Financing EU agriculture after 2020: What future for the CAP?
25-04-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Towards a fair food supply chain
13-04-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Developing our rural areas through the CAP: International conference on funding opportunities for agriculture and rural develop
26-03-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Bucharest |
Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz - Ein ungleiches Paar Schuhe?
22-03-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Which Agricultural sectors will Brexit impact most?
16-01-2018 |
Agriculture and Food |
London |
Politique Agricole Commune : Quelle viabilité économique ?
07-12-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |
Digitising European farming equipment: The way forward for successful and sustainable farming?
05-12-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Reviving rural development
07-11-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Rural development in Europe: How can the CAP support social cohesion and growth?
17-10-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
EU plant breeding regulation: Safeguarding agricultural innovation and consumers
29-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: What supply chain for consumers & farmers?
26-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Twitter #eaAgriFood |
Innovation in der Landwirtschaft - Wie soll die Landwirtschaft in Zukunft aussehen?
08-09-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Berlin |
Precision farming: The silver bullet for the future of European farming?
21-06-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Bioenergy for rural development: An engine of growth for a rural renaissance
12-05-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
What consumers want: A supply chain for farmers and consumers
25-04-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
After the CAP: What future for British agri-trade?
09-03-2017 |
Agriculture and Food |
London |
CAP and the Digital Single Market: What growth for agriculture in the digital age?
10-11-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Investment in agriculture, growth and jobs: What role for the CAP?
26-04-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
How can innovation help agriculture be more sustainable?
17-02-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
Brussels |
Agriculture et changement climatique : Interactions et défis
26-01-2016 |
Agriculture and Food |
Paris |