Sharing economy: What challenges and opportunities for Europe?

With collaborative platforms and providers such as Uber and Airbnb booming across Europe, sharing economy is quickly establishing itself as a new, successful business model. It has a great potential for increased competition, consumer choice and job opportunities. However, the blurring of lines between producers and consumers is raising concerns about the liability, taxation and administrative regimes they should be subjected to.
The EU therefore faces an increasing number of challenges to regulate these new businesses while also providing them the opportunity to grow and contribute to European economic development. The European Commission’s new guidelines and the European Parliament’s position on the new Digital Single Market are a first step in this direction.
EURACTIV organised this workshop to discuss the way forward for the sharing economy in Europe. Questions included:
- How can the EU Institutions promote growth through collaborative platforms, while also ensuring a level-playing field with existing businesses?
- Is regulation needed or does it risk undermining new business models?
- How to ensure appropriate liability in this new business field for customers, individual service providers and intermediary platforms?
- How can EU Member States better align their policies on digital platforms to allow for a single market approach?
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Silken Berlaymont Hotel
Boulevard Charlemagne 11-19, 1000 Brussels
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Hans Ehrenstein, Deputy Head of Unit, Service Policy for Consumers, DG GROW
Nicola Danti MEP, Rapporteur for Sharing Economy
Benedetta Brighenti, Member and Rapporteur for the Sharing Economy, Committee of the Regions
Agata Waclawil-Wejman, Head of EU Government Affairs, Uber
Karl Gray, Global Head of Casualty and Motor, Zurich
12.00 – 12.30 Registration and networking lunch
12.30 – 13.00 Impulse statements
13.00 – 14.00 Open discussion with participants