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#eaAgrifood Twitter Chat: Carbon farming - Which Developments in the Future?


#eaAgrifood Twitter Chat: Carbon farming - Which Developments in the Future?

Carbon Farming is an umbrella term for agricultural methods that enhance the uptake and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in soil. Its goal is to optimize working landscapes by implementing practices that are known to improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and stored in plant material and/or soil organic matter.

As part of the Green Deal, in December 2021 the European Commission adopted the the Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, as announced in the Farm to Fork Strategy, in order to create a direct incentive for the adoption of climate-friendly practice and the increase and protection of carbon sinks for land managers.

Now more than two years after the adoption of the Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, it is time to evaluate Carbon Farming, this policy, and its effects, and take a look at possible future developments.

Join our Agrifood team on Thursday, 21 March 2024 between 12:30 and 1:30 to discuss this and more in this Euractiv’s Twitter Chat.

Our Twitter account @eaAgriFood will share the following questions on Twitter and invite you to share responses using #eaAgriFood:

Q1 What do you think of the potential of carbon farming for European agriculture?

Q2 In your view, is a voluntary framework sufficient to incentivise farmers and food producers to reduce emissions?

Q3 Are those certification schemes to be limited to agrifood actors or they should be open to the participation of other sectors?

Q4 What do you think of the possibility of establishing a mandatory carbon market for agriculture?

Q5 In your view, which economic operators should be involved in that market?

A Twitter Chat is a discussion between Twitter users that get online at a pre-arranged date and time to discuss a specific topic using a designated #hashtag (for this chat it’s #eaAgriFood). The hashtag links the questions and answers in a virtual conversation.

As the host of the Twitter Chat, @eaAgriFood will post questions identified as Q1, Q2 and so on, to prompt answers/replies from participants, which should be identified as A1, A2 and so on. When preparing your answers make sure they fit Twitter's character limit.

We will moderate the answers and ask follow up questions to participants. Please be sure to use the #eaAgriFood when answering the questions.

The Twitter Chat will last about an hour. The best way to see the entire conversation is to search for the hashtag #eaAgriFood on Twitter and switch to the "latest tweets" tab.

Supported by:

DG AGRI co-funded 2023-24 logo




@eaAgriFood - The Twitter account of Euractiv's Agriculture and & Food Hub


12:30 Start of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
13:30 End of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
The times are in CET (Brussels time)


Alexandra Rink