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The EU's directive on corporate sustainability due diligence - Striking the right balance for business, consumers, investors?


The EU's directive on corporate sustainability due diligence - Striking the right balance for business, consumers, investors?


In 2022, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, aimed at creating more responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. The Commission argues that these new rules will bring certainty and a level playing field for the business sector, while there will be more transparency for consumers and investors.

The proposed directive aims to establish a mandatory due diligence framework for EU-based companies and their supply chains to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights, environmental impacts. The directive is expected to cover a wide range of issues. However, there are ongoing discussions about what should be covered in the directive, the size requirements of the companies that should be included, and the impact it can have on SMEs.

With trilogue negotiations set to begin in the coming months, some stakeholders argue that companies need more clarity regarding the standards and duties. Having clearer assessment standards will help collect relevant data from the companies that would be subjected to the new regulations. To achieve this, stakeholders also emphasise the need for an independent level playing field for states and companies, and the importance of exchanging good practices with global actors, such as those regarding sustainable value chain management.

Join this EURACTIV Hybrid Conference to discuss the implications of the corporate sustainability due diligence directive. How can clear standards help collect the most relevant data from companies? And how can harmonious processes be enforced and lead to a unified global sustainability framework?


Supported by:


Brussels Network Office - International Press Centre
1 Bd Charlemagne // 2nd floor


Dan Dionisie
Head of Unit Company Law, DG JUST, European Commission

Heidi Hautala MEP
JURI Committee Shadow rapporteur on CSDDD, European Parliament

Maria Teresa Pisani
OiC Trade Facilitation Section Chief, UNECE

Vincent Vandeloise
Senior Research and Advocacy Officer, Finance Watch

Pascal Bezençon
International Public Relations, SGS


Jennifer Baker


17:00 - 17:30 Registration of participants
17:30 - 17:35 Welcome
17:35 - 17:50 Panellist statements
17:50 - 18:40 Discussion and Q&A
18:40 - 18:45 Closing statements

Followed by a networking reception


Ana Alexandrescu

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Experts concerned over EU due diligence law’s impact on Global South

Experts have welcomed the proposed EU law to hold companies accountable for adverse impacts along their entire value chain, but have also raised concerns about the negative impacts the new due diligence rules could have on economies of the Global South.

The post Experts concerned over EU due diligence law’s impact on Global South appeared first on Euractiv.