Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

How can financial services work better for EU consumers in the digital age?


How can financial services work better for EU consumers in the digital age?

2015 has seen high-profile EU initiatives in financial services, most notably the publication of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) proposals. But attention is also turning to the ‘consumer agenda’.

European Commissioner Lord Hill urged his fellow policymakers in June to “look at retail financial services from the point of view of the consumer”; and, on 10 December, the Commission’s DG FISMA launched a Green Paper on Retail Financial Services and Insurance, including exploring the potential of ‘digitalisation’.
Issues include the different prices of financial services products - such as mortgages, bank accounts and insurance - across the EU and the difficulties that businesses can face in seeking to provide products across different countries.

Questions discussed included:
- What demand exists from consumers to buy retail financial services from different countries?
- How can the EU build a single market in financial services to better serve consumers?
- What are the policy linkages with the EU’s Digital Single Market plans (for example, when buying products online)?

Supported by:


Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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Philippe Pelle, Deputy HoU Retail Financial Services and Payments, DG FISMA
Sergey Filippov, Associate Director, The Lisbon Council / European Digital Forum
Thomas Bauer, European Strategy Director, Aviva
Farid Aliyev, Senior Financial Services Officer, BEUC
Juan Manuel Viver, Policy Officer, Better Finance


12.00 – 12.30 Registration and networking lunch
12.30 – 14.00 Roundtable
14.00 Roundtable concludes/networking

Highlights video