Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Media Partnership - The Future of Data Flows and the Impact for Europe


Media Partnership - The Future of Data Flows and the Impact for Europe

The Future of Data Flows and the Impact for Europe: How the Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework will shape the economy and protect our civil liberties

Watch the recording here

Data that flows between Europe and the United States underpins the countries’ $7.1 trillion economic relationship and helps solidify the broader transatlantic alliance. Protecting the fundamental rights of EU citizens with strong privacy protections is foundational to individuals' confidence and trust, and a reliable data transfer mechanism is crucial for transatlantic businesses across all sectors of the economy.

As the EU and U.S. implement the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework, join global technology association ITI, EU policymakers, and other experts at this Hybrid Conference to explore how the Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework can support Europe's economy and safeguard the privacy and civil liberties of Europeans.

Organised by: ITI (The Information Technology Industry Council)
Media Partner: EURACTIV

Watch the recording here


Brussels Network Office - International Press Centre
1 Bd Charlemagne // 2nd floor


Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice
His Excellency Mark Gitenstein, Ambassador of the United States of America to the European Union
Ronnie Downes, Director General, Trade Policy - Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment, Ireland
Nanna-Louise Linde, Vice President of European Government Affairs, Microsoft
Martynas Barysas, Director for Internal Market, BusinessEurope
Ralf Sauer, Deputy Head of Unit International data flows and protection, DG JUST, European Commission


Jason Oxman
President and CEO of ITI - the Information Technology Industry Council


13:30 – 14:00 Registration of participants
14:00 – 15:30 Panel Debate
15:30 – 16:30 Light networking reception


Ana Alexandrescu