COP24 - The road to Katowice: Changing together for a ‘just energy transition’

In December 2018, governments from across the world will meet in the Polish city of Katowice for the UNFCCC COP24, to assess the efforts made to achieve the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, the Parties have now set a deadline to finalise and adopt the so-called “Paris Rulebook” during the upcoming COP 24.
Transforming the global energy system towards low-carbon alternatives would not only mitigate climate change but also offer an opportunity to fundamentally change the way commons – natural resources and public goods – are managed. However, ambitious climate policies should not come at the expense of social justice.
Hence, the EU has revised its Emissions Trading System Directive, which now allows for some of the funds raised by the auctioning revenues to be used for Just Transition measures, such as modernisation, innovation and changing the power sector, especially in the low-income and carbon-dependent regions. Establishing the Just Energy Transition Fund is one of the expectations from the new MFF along with climate mainstreaming and Horizon Europe.
In preparation for COP24 in Katowice, EURACTIV invites you to discuss the state of play of the climate negotiations.
Questions will include:
- What are the main concerns and expectations of both the European and international community on COP24?
- What are the potential bottlenecks for the agreement on the implementation of the Paris Agreement?
- Should the EU increase its contribution towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement?
- How to ensure the transition doesn’t hinder industrial development?
To read more about the road to COP24, check EURACTIV's Special Report.
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European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels
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Prof. Zdzislaw Krasnodebski MEP, Vice–President of the European Parliament, ECR Group
Michal Kurtyka, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for COP24 Presidency
Jerzy Buzek MEP, Chair of ITRE Committee, EPP Group
Arne Lietz MEP, Rapporteur on climate diplomacy, S&D Group
Florent Marcellesi MEP, Greens/EFA Group
Montserrat Mir Roca, Confederal Secretary, ETUC - European Trade Union Confederation
Lola Vallejo, Climate Programme Director, IDDRI
Monika Morawiecka, Head of Strategy Department, PGE
Sam Morgan, Energy & Environment Reporter, EURACTIV
11:45 – 12:15 Registration
12:15 – 12:20 Opening speech
12:20 – 12:35 Keynote speeches
12:35 – 13:00 Speakers’ statements
13:00 – 13:45 Debate and Q&A
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