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Setting the EU on track for climate neutrality: The role of gas infrastructure


Setting the EU on track for climate neutrality: The role of gas infrastructure


To successfully achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU needs to establish an integrated energy infrastructure. The European Commission underlined in its recent strategies that it’s essential to address decarbonisation with a holistic approach, tackling for instance energy together with the so-called “hard-to-abate” sectors. To become future-proofed, it is argued that today’s regulatory framework must be revised and while doing so, the multiple specificities of the EU regions should be taken into consideration.

We are on the eve of an energy revolution. As highlighted by the recent report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the production of low-carbon and renewable gases is expected to substantially increase in the coming decades, leading our energy system to drastically evolve. But how do we transport and store these molecules?

The EU gas infrastructure states they offer sustainable and cost-effective solutions in transmission, storage and LNG terminals. As explained by Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, it is a valuable asset for the development of the hydrogen value chain and market across EU regions. Aware that innovation will be one of the driving forces of the energy transition, gas operators are taking action in initiating numerous innovative projects in Europe.

Join this EURACITV virtual conference to discuss the decarbonisation potential of the EU gas infrastructure and the solutions it can provide to EU citizens.


Supported by:




Antonio Lopez-Nicolas, Deputy Head of Unit, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission
Jens Geier MEP, Member, ITRE Committee, Rapporteur “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe”, European Parliament
Torben Brabo, CEO, Energinet Gas TSO and President of Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
Ilaria Conti, Head of Gas, Florence School of Regulation
Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer, WindEurope


Frédéric Simon, Energy Editor, EURACTIV


14:30 – 14:35 Welcome
14:35 – 14:50 Panelists statements
14:50 – 15:40 Discussion and Q&A
15:40 – 15:45 Closing statements


Simona Ovesea
+32 (0)2 788 36 86

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The post EU countries agree to ‘rapidly upscale’ hydrogen market appeared first on Euractiv.