Policy Dialogue - Farming talks: Experiences from the field

The agricultural sector is faced with exponential population growth and is under pressure from different challenges, including climate change and changing socio-economic dynamics. More than ever, European agriculture needs to produce sufficient high-quality food, whilst respecting the environment, safeguarding consumers and supporting farmers.
Farmers need the best tools and technological solutions available to be able to grow enough crops using fewer natural resources. Helping farmers build a stronger and more resilient agricultural economy, requires an open and transparent dialogue and collaboration between scientists, academia, innovators, politicians, regulators, NGOs and all along the food value chain from farmers to consumers.
The EU glyphosate re-approval process is on the agenda. The renewal of glyphosate is an example of an issue that needs in depth discussion among all stakeholders involved. For some farmers, glyphosate already plays an important role in their efforts to achieve sustainable agriculture. Stakeholders are asking how its use will develop in the future.
Industry argues that glyphosate is a unique and effective tool for weed control used to manage weed growth across a variety of applications in and beyond agriculture, including vegetation management, railways infrastructures, highways, dams, and more. Glyphosate, like other herbicides, is subjected to rigorous and exhaustive testing by regulatory agencies worldwide, and glyphosate-based herbicides are registered and marketed in approximately 150 countries.
The Glyphosate Renewal Group (the GRG) is a collection of companies seeking the renewal of the EU authorisation of the active substance glyphosate in 2022. To this end, the GRG member companies joined resources and efforts, as provided for in Regulation 1107/2009 and encouraged by the EU institutions, and prepared a single dossier with scientific studies and information on glyphosate safety. The dossier was submitted on 8 June 2020, was found admissible by the European authorities, and is currently undergoing a scientific evaluation.
Join this EURACTIV policy dialogue to discuss with farmers and other agricultural experts the implications of using glyphosate, for farmers, consumers, the environment and food security.
Supported by:

Dr Emilio Gonzalez, Secretary General, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), ETSIAM-University of Cordoba
Max Schulman, farmer, COPA COGECA’s Chair of the Agri-Food Chain Roundtable on PPPs
Pedro Gallardo, farmer, COPA COGECA’s Chair of the Working Party of Phytosanitary Questions
Karina von Detten, Head of Portfolio Solution EuMEA, Nufarm(a GRG member)
Dave Keating, Journalist, EURACTIV
14:30 – 14:35 Welcome
14:35 – 14:50 Panellist statements
14:50 – 15:40 Discussion and Q&A
15:40 – 15:45 Closing remarks
Simona Ovesea
+32 (0)2 788 36 86
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