Skills – the currency of the future. How is the EU accelerating upskilling and reskilling?
In November 2020, the European Commission launched the Pact for Skills – a shared engagement and approach to skills development. The Pact is aimed to maximise the improvement of existing skills (upskilling) and training in new skills (reskilling). It calls on industry, employers, social partners, chambers of commerce, public authorities, education and training providers and employment agencies to work together and make a clear commitment to invest in training for all working age people across the European Union.
The Pact builds on the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU’s compass for a social and inclusive recovery. It emphasises the promotion of lifelong learning for all, building strong skills partnerships, monitoring skills supply/demand and anticipating skills needs, and working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities.
As reskilling is part of the National Recovery and Resilience Funds, taking account of regional, national and European developments is imperative for a fair and resilient recovery.
Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference, the third event of the 'Future of Work Lab debate series', to discuss where we stand one year after the launch of the Pact for Skills and how skills are becoming 'the currency of the future'. Questions to be addressed include:
- How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted concepts like lifelong learning and skills partnerships?
- What lessons can be drawn from the pandemic regarding skills supply/demand and anticipating skills?
- What are national systems doing to enforce upskilling of their workforce in the framework of National Resilience and Recovery Plans?
- What role can industry play in ensuring a fair and efficient upskilling of the workforce?
- What role can the EU play in skills demand and supply needs for workforce and companies at regional, national and European level? How is this foreseen in the NRRPs?
- Can the Recovery and Resilience Facility play a role in the implementation of the EU Pact for Skills?
Supported by:
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation,
Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Manuela Geleng, Director for Jobs and Skills, DG EMPL, European Commission
Victor Negrescu MEP, Vice-Chair CULT Committee, European Parliament
Jasper Van Loo, Department for VET and Skills, European
Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Tatjana Babrauskiene, Member of the Workers' Group (Group II), European Economic and Social Committee
Denis Pennel, Managing Director, World Employment
Confederation - Europe
Richard Doherty, Senior Director, Solution Marketing, Workday
Brian Maguire, Journalist, EURACTIV
14:30 - 16:00 CET
Keynote video message
Panellist statements
Discussion and Q&A
Closing statements
Ana Alexandrescu
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