Media Partnership: The Future of the Electronic Communications Sector - Towards a European success story?
On the 23 rd of February, the European Commission launched a broad exploratory consultation on the future of the connectivity sector and its infrastructure. It addresses several key aspects of the sector: the technological and market developments, fairness for consumers, barriers to the single market and fair contribution by all digital players.
Following the adoption of the Digital Decade Decision that sets up ambitious goals in terms of digitalisation of the EU and connectivity, this consultation is essential to assess:
- The infrastructures needed in the near future for Europe to achieve those targets
- How to lead the EU digital transformation in the coming years, and
- What level of investment is needed for the sector.
It is expected that a wide range of stakeholders will contribute to it.
After a keynote by Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, the panel will debate on the opportunities and the challenges of the European network operators for the coming years, and will address the following main questions:
- What will be the role of European network operators in the next 10 years; What are the main transformations or innovations that will impact their operations, their business models?
- What are the weaknesses and strengths of the digital single market? Is it delivering in terms of inclusion, green transition, digital autonomy, and EU competitiveness?
- How to ensure the achievement of the Digital Decade goals especially in terms of connectivity?
Organised by: Orange
Media Partner: EURACTIV
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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- Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, European Commission
- Raúl Fuentes Milani, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain
- Prof Dr Paul Timmers, Research Associate University of Oxford / Oxford Internet Institute, Visiting Professor KU Leuven, Research Fellow CERRE
- Christel Heydemann, CEO Orange
Dave Keating
17:00 – 17:30 Registration of participants
17:30 - 17:50 Keynotes speech
17:50 - 18:50 Panel discussion
Followed by a light networking reception.
Tamara Novel