Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Automated vehicles - A roadmap for the future?


Automated vehicles - A roadmap for the future?

Automation in road transport is a key priority for the European Commission, closely aligned with important policy objectives such as the greening and digitalisation of the transport sector. Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) is central to this transformation, offering the potential for safer, more inclusive road transportation while enhancing the competitiveness of European industries.

Vehicle automation has been in the spotlight for almost a decade, depicted as a technology with the potential to revolutionise road transport. Early excitement was largely driven by tech companies and high-profile start-ups, but significant progress over the years has come from car and truck manufacturers, who have been leading its development.

Industry stakeholders recognise that, in recent years, the initial enthusiasm for vehicle automation has somewhat decreased. However, its potential applications and benefits have become more clearly defined. The industry now has a more practical view and a clearer understanding of how to make automated vehicles become reality.

With the need to improve road safety, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and continue driving innovation in the automotive industry, the next wave of legislation for the type approval of automated vehicles is on the horizon.

Join this Euractiv event to explore the roadmap for the future of automated vehicles. Questions to be discussed include:

- What regulatory and infrastructure developments are needed to support the widespread deployment of automated vehicles across Europe, and how can public and private sectors collaborate to accelerate this transition?
- What are the industry’s plans and requirements for the development of automated vehicles? What innovations have manufacturers introduced in recent years?
- How can challenges related to electrification and digitalisation in this sector be addressed?
- How can the EU maintain its leadership in this field amidst growing global competition?

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Place du Luxembourg 26, 1050 Ixelles


Keynote speech
Marcus Welz
CEO, Hyundai Connected Mobility

Presentation of ACEA’s Automation Roadmap
Michael Wolfert
Head of Automated & Autonomous Driving - Public Affairs, Volkswagen Group

Mohamed Brahmi
Policy Officer on Regulations for Autonomous Driving & Connected Vehicles, DG GROW, European Commission

Lennart Salemink
Head of Department Vehicles and Digital Infrastructure, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water (IenW)

Tobias Schweickhardt
Manager Regulatory Affairs Connected & Automated Vehicles, Daimler Truck AG

Michael Wolfert
Head of Automated & Autonomous Driving - Public Affairs, Volkswagen Group


Jennifer Baker


09:00 - 09:30 Breakfast and registration of participants
09:30 - 09:35 Keynote speech by Marcus Welz, CEO, Hyundai Connected Mobility
09:35 - 09:45 Presentation of ACEA’s Automation Roadmap

Euractiv Policy Debate
09:45 – 11:00 Welcome by the moderator
09:45 – 10:00 Panellist statements
10:00 – 10:55 Discussion and Q&A
10:55 – 11:00 Closing statements


Juliette Burton

Related article

Driving to an automated future, mapping Europe’s connected vehicle market [Advocacy Lab Content]

Driving to an automated future, mapping Europe’s connected vehicle market [Advocacy Lab Content]

By 2023, Europe needs to get stronger with connectivity, automation and scalable systems to enable automated vehicles.