Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Biofuels in aviation: A sustainable alternative?


Biofuels in aviation: A sustainable alternative?

Current laws require EU countries to have “at least 10%” renewable energy used in transport by 2020 – including a 7% cap for biofuels. For 2030, the European Commission proposed reducing conventional biofuels in transport to 3.8% as part of a broader target to source at least 27% energy from renewables.

While some transport sectors can reach this target with different options, the aviation sector still relies on liquid fuels. Renewable biofuels can therefore have a huge potential in ensuring that aviation reduces its emissions while meeting the EU target.

However, biofuels are still regarded as a controversial alternative. In order for biofuels to achieve market efficiency, specific policy and economic instruments must be introduced at both European and global level.

EURACTIV organised this high-level Forum to explore the future of sustainable biofuels in aviation and discussed issues such as:
- How can the aviation sector contribute to the EU’s renewable objectives?
- How can Europe benefit from increased production of biofuels without threatening food production and the environment?
- What sustainability criteria for biofuel feedstocks can be defined without hindering innovation?
- Why would airlines and investors be interested in biofuels when the current economics strongly favour traditional fossil fuels?
- How can the EU foster innovation for the post-2020 scenario?
- How can Europe maintain competitiveness in an increasingly global context? Can Europe set global standards?

EURACTIV published an article following the debate, including the main discussion points. You can read it here.

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Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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Richard Clarkson, Policy Officer, Aviation Policy Unit, DG MOVE
Gesine Meissner MEP, Member of TRAN Committee
Sergio Tommasini, CEO, SunChem
Barbara Bramble, Vice-President for International Programmes, National Wildlife Federation (via Skype)
Henrik Erämetsä, Head of Aviation Regulation, Neste Corporation
Darrin Morgan, Director, Sustainable Biofuel Strategy, Boeing


12:00 – 12:30 Registration and networking lunch
12:30 – 13:00 Opening statements
13:00 – 14:00 Open debate and Q&A