Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

The Data Economy: Ownership, Access & Portability


The Data Economy: Ownership, Access & Portability

Data-driven technologies continue to transform our economy and society. This digital, data-driven transformation stimulates innovative ways to collect, process and use data; often enhancing productivity and competitiveness, while bringing clear, tangible benefits to European businesses and citizens.

Maximizing these benefits requires the European Union to ensure that data flows across borders and sectors to support the development of the European Data economy.

Emerging data issues have been identified by the European Commission during its preparation for a legislative proposal on the “Free Flow of Data”, which will be published this autumn. As the Commission continues to examine ways of addressing digital data challenges, such as unjustified data localization requirements, questions remain as to where key obstacles exist and how they can best be addressed.

Join us for a lively debate where we will discuss these issues, and ask:

1. The planned Spring 2017 legislative proposal on unjustified localisation was postponed until Autumn, due to what the Commission highlighted as a lack of sufficient evidence for legislative intervention. The Autumn proposal may focus more on the other “emerging issues” the Commission identified. Has the same evidence threshold been met for potential regulatory intervention in these areas?

2. To what extent will forthcoming legislative proposals mirror the published responses to the Commission’s recent Data Economy consultation?

3. Amidst significant and continued industry calls for a ban on unjustified localization requirements, have plans for regulatory intervention here evolved?

4. What are the key problems identified by the Commission in the “emerging issues” space; and has a clear case been made for regulatory intervention?

You can already reserve your seat by registering here

Supported by:


Microsoft Center
Rue Montoyer 51, 1000 Brussels


Gail Kent, Director for Data, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Julia Reda MEP, JURI Committee, European Parliament
Luukas Ilves, Digital Affairs Counsellor, Estonian Permanent Representation
Guido Lobrano, Senior Director of Global Policy for Europe, ITI

Brian Maguire, Journalist/Producer, EURACTIV


17:30-18:00 Registrations & welcome drink
18:00-19:15 Debate
19:15-20:30 Networking reception

Highlights video