Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Electricity availability in the EU – Addressing challenges


Electricity availability in the EU – Addressing challenges

Please note that this event is in-person only.

register here

The availability and cost of electricity play an important role in economic stability. While renewable energy sources help reduce overall costs, they currently rely on dispatchable power sources that can operate regardless of weather conditions. Ensuring sufficient dispatchable capacity remains a priority.

One approach to addressing this challenge is a two-product electricity market, where producers receive compensation for both energy generation and capacity availability. Under current EU regulations, capacity mechanisms designed to support dispatchable energy are classified as state aid and require approval from the European Commission.

Capacity mechanisms are expected to remain a long-term component of the EU electricity market. Discussions on their future in Europe are ongoing, particularly as regulatory frameworks evolve. This is especially relevant ahead of the European Commission's announcement regarding plans to simplify the approval process for capacity mechanisms.

Join this Euractiv Stakeholder Workshop to discuss the challenges the electricity market is facing to achieve a stable and reliable electricity supply in the EU. Questions to be discussed include:

- What have been the benefits and challenges of the capacity market since its introduction?
- What policy measures could enhance energy security and ensure sufficient capacity availability?
- What role should national governments play in determining their own capacity mechanisms versus an EU-wide approach?

Supported by:



Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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To be announced soon.




17:00 – 17:30 Registration of participants
17:30 – 17:35 Welcome
17:35 – 17:45 Panellist statements
17:45 – 18:40 Discussion and Q&A
18:40 – 18:45 Closing statements

Followed by a light networking reception.


Sébastien de Decker