#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat | Free trade agreements: help or hindrance for the EU Agrifood sector?
Join us for an online agriculture policy debate with EURACTIV journalists Gerardo Fortuna and Natasha Foote, held completely on Twitter on Thursday, 9 July.
Our Twitter account @eaAgriFood will pose the following questions for participants to respond to via their own Twitter accounts:
Q1: How can trade help support some of the agri-food sectors most affected by COVID-19?
Q2: How can the EU balance the promotion of short supply chains in the F2F with the thrust towards increased agrifood export?
Q3: Mercosur: the next big thing or too many expectations?
Q4: What are the implications for the EU-UK trade relationship if the UK chooses to move away from EU standards?
What is a Twitter chat, and how do you join?
A Twitter Chat is a discussion between Twitter users that get online at a pre-arranged date and time to discuss a specific topic using a designated #hashtag (for this chat it’s #eaAgriFood). The hashtag links the questions and answers in a virtual conversation.
As the host of the Twitter Chat, @eaAgriFood will post questions identified as Q1, Q2 and so on, to prompt answers from participants, which are identified as A1, A2 and so on. We will moderate the answers and ask follow up questions to participants.
The Twitter Chat will last about an hour. The best way to see the entire conversation is to search for the hashtag #eaAgriFood on twitter and switch to the "latest tweets" tab.
The content of this publication/event represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
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Twitter #eaAgriFood
Find us on Twitter by searching for #eaAgriFood
@eaAgriFood - The Twitter account of EURACTIV's Agriculture and & Food Hub
12:30 Start of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
13:30 End of #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
The times are in CEST (Brussels time)