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Euractiv Events

Accelerating integrated energy systems for a climate-neutral EU


Accelerating integrated energy systems for a climate-neutral EU

Achieving the EU climate objectives – a reduction of the overall GHG emissions by 80-95% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels – requires a complete transformation of our energy systems. To get there, we need to take a holistic approach, and to maximise synergies between sectors and systems.

Heating and cooling in buildings and industry today account for half of the EU’s final energy consumption. Optimising this sector is therefore essential if the EU wants to be climate-neutral by 2050. To do that, integrating heating and cooling, electricity, transport, water and industry, to create smart energy systems is key. In interlinking the different parts of the energy system, sector coupling can contribute to a cost-efficient, secure and reliable energy transition over the next decades.

The potential is significant, but to unlock it different energy sectors need to combine their expertise, and a legislative framework must be put in place that not only facilitates but also encourages it. Therefore, the electricity, gas and (district) heating and cooling sectors should work together to tackle any barriers imposed at EU and national level.

EURACTIV invites you to this Stakeholder Workshop to discuss the path towards the integration of the EU’s energy sectors. Questions will include:

- How can sector coupling help achieve the EU climate goals?
- How can renewables be used most efficiently to integrate energy systems?
- How can district heating and cooling networks act as integrators?
- What more can be done to better combine the expertise from different energy sectors?
- How can industry overcome barriers at EU and national level?
- What role does digitalization play in enabling flexibility in the systems?
- How can cities drive forward an ambitious agenda on energy transformation?

Supported by:


Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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Augustijn van Haasteren, Team Leader, Sector Coupling, DG ENER, European Commission
Morten Petersen MEP, Vice-Chair, ITRE Committee, European Parliament
Claire Roumet, Strategic Partnerships and overall coordination, Energy Cities
Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)
Nis Bertelsen, Researcher, Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group, Aalborg University
Julie Kjestrup, Head of EU Office, Danfoss


Frédéric Simon, Senior Editor, Energy and Environment, EURACTIV


12:00 – 12:30 Registration and networking lunch
12:30 – 13:00 Opening statements
13:00 – 14:00 Discussion and Q&A


Teresa Dominguez
+32 (0) 2 788 36 93

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‘Sector coupling’: The EU energy buzzword no-one can actually pin down

‘Sector coupling’: The EU energy buzzword no-one can actually pin down

For over a year, one expression – “sector coupling” – has been on everybody’s lips among EU energy policy observers in Brussels. The only problem is none of them share the same understanding of what it actually means.

The post ‘Sector coupling’: The EU energy buzzword no-one can actually pin down appeared first on Euractiv.

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