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Euractiv Events

Can the EU lead on cybersecurity?


Can the EU lead on cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity has become a prominent topic on the EU policy agenda. The NIS directive, the EU's first cybersecurity law, went into effect in May of this year. And the European Commission proposed more legislation, known as the cybersecurity act, in September 2017.

While these laws have been negotiated, Europe has seen a wave of new cyber attacks including the major WannaCry and NotPetya breaches in 2017. Revelations of cyber threats ahead of the US and French presidential elections also raised awareness. With the EU parliamentary election coming up in 2019, European institutions are now especially concerned about raising security standards and protecting against major incidents beforehand.

This workshop will address the EU's changing approach to cybersecurity policy and consider Europe's recent actions to protect elections.

Questions will include:

- Is the EU taking the global lead on cybersecurity regulation, much like it has on data protection?
- Are the European Commission and Parliament taking appropriate action to safeguard elections before 2019?
- Will it be possible to protect against breaches in 27 different member states at the same time?
- What new cyber threats does the 2019 EU election raise, compared to national elections?

Supported by:

T Systems


Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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Jakub Boratynski, Head of Unit - Cybersecurity & Digital Privacy Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Thierry Masson, Digital Advisor for the IMCO committee, European Parliament
Ramona Nita, Telecommunications, Information Society, Cyber Security, Postal Services, Digital Single Market, Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU
Luukas Ilves, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, The Lisbon Council
Lionel Gervais, Head of Strategy & International, Deutsche Telekom Security


Samuel Stolton, Digital Affairs Editor, EURACTIV


12:00 – 12:30 Registration
12:30 – 13:00 Opening statements
13:00 – 14:00 Roundtable discussion


Teresa Dominguez
+32 (0) 2 788 36 93

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EU citizens concerned about cybersecurity ahead of 2019 elections, study finds

An increasing number of EU citizens are concerned about the manipulation of elections through cyberattacks and malicious interventions, according to figures published on Monday (26 November).

The post EU citizens concerned about cybersecurity ahead of 2019 elections, study finds appeared first on Euractiv.

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