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#eaAgrifood Twitter Space I Upcoming EU Mandate: What Are the New Agrifood Priorities?


#eaAgrifood Twitter Space I Upcoming EU Mandate: What Are the New Agrifood Priorities?

2024 marks the year of another significant change in the EU’s political composition. Every five years, EU leaders collectively determine the EU's political priorities, a process occurring in conjunction with the European Parliament elections and preceding the appointment of each European Commission. Kicked off by the European elections in early June, the shifts in political groups and coalitions within the EU will shape its policy agenda and future legislation.

In light of the recent farmer’s protests all over Europe, but most notably in Brussels, the future of the agricultural sector is under the microscope like no other sector at the moment. Special attention will be paid to any new developments, plans, and legislation, putting a lot of pressure on the new leaders of the EU.

Join our Twitter Space to discuss all about the new agrifood priorities for the new EU mandate!

A Twitter Space is a way to have live audio conversations on Twitter. Twitter users get online at a pre-arranged date and time to discuss a specific topic. Anyone can join, listen, and speak in a Space on Twitter for iOS and Android. Please note, however, that when using the web version you can only listen to the Space - for now. To make use of all the functions please use your mobile phone.

Once the Space is launched it appears on the @eaAgrifood Twitter profile. To join the Space you can either tap on the profile picture showing that the Space is live or press the 'start listening' button on our latest post.
You can react, comment and even have your say - just tap the 'Request icon' at the bottom and we'll give you the floor.

The Twitter Space will last about an hour. In case you didn't have the chance to tune in, you can find the recording on our Twitter profile or here:

Supported by:

DG AGRI co-funded 2023-24 logo




@eaAgrifood - The Twitter account of Euractiv's Agrifood Hub


12:00 Start of #eaAgrifood Twitter Space
13:00 End of #eaAgrifood Twitter Space
The times are in CET (Brussels time)


Alexandra Rink