Investing post-COVID: Is a green recovery assured?

As policymakers turn their attention to the economic recovery post-COVID, there is a risk that investments in a green recovery may be side-lined.
The European Commission maintains that the recovery and future growth of the EU must be sustainable. Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, insisted that the new Recovery and Resilience Facility, comprising up to €310 billion in grants, will be awarded to those Member States investing in public projects facilitating the green and digital transitions.
An informal alliance has been launched in the European Parliament on the back of calls from 12 EU environment ministers who have signed an appeal for a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Ministers appealed for the European Green Deal to be placed at the heart of the EU’s post-pandemic recovery plan. Signatories come from across the political spectrum and also bring together industry CEOs, civil society groups, business associations, trade unions, and think-tanks.
MEP Pascal Canfin remarked: “There will be a before and after COVID-19 crisis. We are choosing to accelerate the ecological transition when the time comes to reinvest in the economy.”
Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference to discuss the EU’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and whether it will put Europe on the path to a truly sustainable, climate-neutral and just economy.
Questions to be discussed include:
- How can the financial sector ensure that sustainable investing is prioritised?
- Is there a contradiction between financing the recovery and the needs of the planet?
- What difference will the new taxonomy regulation make?
- Does the COVID crisis represent an opportunity to rethink society and develop a new economic model for Europe - resilient, more protective, sovereign and inclusive?
Supported by:
Yvon Slingenberg, Director, International and Mainstreaming and Policy Coordination, DG CLIMA, European Commission
Nicolae Stefanuta MEP, Member, ENVI Committee, European Parliament
Frédéric de Courtois, General-Manager, Generali
Astrid Manroth, Director, Finance Strategy, European Climate Foundation
Jennifer Baker, Journalist, EURACTIV
09:30 – 09:40 Introduction and House rules
09:40 – 10:40 Moderated discussion and Q&A
10:40 – 10:45 Closing statements
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