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Media Partnership: PKEE Energy Day 2023


Media Partnership: PKEE Energy Day 2023

The transformation process in energy sector speeds up. What technologies do we need to achieve climate neutrality?

We are now at a turning point for the European energy sector. And although we have to deal with these new extraordinary circumstances, but the main direction remains unchanged - Europe will not give up on its path to climate neutrality.

The direction of the climate and energy policy set by the European Union and the growing ambitions of the EU's climate goals and also the impact of GHG emissions on climate change, care for human health, the need for sustainable development, and minimizing the impact of energy sector on the environment are factors that motivate energy companies to carry out ambitious actions towards energy transition. All we need to achieve it is a stable regulatory environment and financial support which will enable the realization of necessary investments.

The aim of the PKEE Energy Day is to conduct a high-level debate entitled “The wind of change in the energy sector is accelerating. What technologies do we need to achieve climate neutrality?” on the need to maintain technological neutrality in the energy transformation process. The PKEE will invite key decision-makers and opinion leaders to participate in the event in order to discuss the achievements of the European Commission and the European Parliament so far and to discuss the currently processed regulations, important for the energy sector, including, among others, Electricity Market Design and Net-Zero Industry Act as well as energy security issues. The discussion will also be aimed at promoting the activities of both the European and Polish energy sector in the field of investments in renewable energy sources, nuclear, hydrogen, CCS/CCU and modern technologies.

Organised by: PKEE
Media Partner: EURACTIV


Radisson Collection Hotel
Grand Place Brussels, Rue du Fosse aux Loups 47

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Miguel Gil Tertre - Chief Economist, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission
Alexandr Vondra - Member ENVI Committee, European Parliament
Patryk Demski - Vice-President of the Management Board for Strategy and Development, TAURON
Yves Desbazeille - Director General, nucleareurope


Dave Keating, EURACTIV


16:30-17:00 - Registration, welcome drink

17:00-17:10 - Opening speech by the Vice President of the PKEE Management Board, Pawel Szczeszek

17:10-17:25 - Introduction to the debate by a Member of the PKEE Management Board Wanda Buk

17:25-18:15 - High-level debate

18:20-19:00 - Performance of Polish artists – Tre Voci concert

19:00-22:00 – Networking cocktail


Tamara Novel

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