Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Electricity market design: A step in the right direction?


Electricity market design: A step in the right direction?

The European Commission announced at the end of 2016 proposals for the EU energy market design, including the electricity market. Its aim is to make the electricity market more flexible, green and innovative.

However, some concerns have been raised over future investment and the regulation of prices, which may lower prices beyond the level of profitability.

Additionally, it is feared that assessment done at EU level by ENTSO-E could bring to wrong implementation decisions because lacking the specific national angle.

With the proposal being discussed at the European Parliament, EURACTIV organised this workshop to discuss in more detail the future of the European electricity market. Questions included:
- How to safeguard the right of each member state to choose the most fitting energy mix for their markets and hence avoid any shortage of power supply?
- What is needed for a reliable cross-border grid? How can the national TSOs analysis be better included in the ENTSO-E findings?
- How to ensure that investment is not hindered by lower prices? Are scarcity pricing and intervention in the capacity markets an adequate solution?
- How can electricity market design support the EU2030 energy and climate goals, including GHG reduction and energy efficiency measures, in the most efficient way?

Supported by:


Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

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Thor-Sten Vertmann, Counsellor for Energy and Head of Section, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
Megan Richards, Director, DG ENERGY tbc
Zdzislaw Krasnodebski MEP, Shadow Rapporteur Towards a New Energy Market Design, European Parliament
Jaroslaw Broda, Vice-President of the Board, Tauron; Board Member, PKEE
Hendrik Bourgeois, General Counsel Europe & Vice-President European Affairs, GE
Alain Janssens, Vice-Chair Market Committee, EURELECTRIC; Director Regulatory Oversight & Market Design, Corporate Strategy, ENGIE
Manon Dufour, Head of Brussels Office, E3G


17:00 – 17:30 Registration and networking reception
17:30 – 18:00 Opening statements
18:00 – 19:00 Debate and Q&A