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#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Reviving rural development


#eaAgriFood Twitter Chat: Reviving rural development

Rural areas cover 52% of the EU’s territory and are home to 112 million people. They find employment not only in the agricultural sector, but also in the food industry and tourism, which employ nearly 15 million people.

However, rural areas still face many societal challenges, including high unemployment, lower income and lack of infrastructure and services. The rising urbanisation combined with the loss of "young talents" and decreasing income due to high overhead costs, has raised eyebrows in Brussels. In response to an ageing rural population, EU policy-makers are also exploring ways to bring young people back to farms.

Rural development has therefore become an increasingly political priority over the past 30 years. The Cork 2.0 declaration in 2016 further links European agriculture to the social dimension for “a better life in rural areas”. The CAP could and does help social cohesion and growth in rural areas, particularly in synergy with other EU policies and funds.

Ahead of the CAP review at the end of 2017, EURACTIV invites you to this one hour long online Twitter Chat to discuss the following questions:
Q1 - How can the post-2020 CAP help to ensure rural areas do not become pockets of poverty?
Q2 - Are short food supply chains an answer to local rural growth?
Q3 - What is the role of women in EU farming? How can they contribute to rural development?
Q4 - Young people: what should be done to bring them back to the farm?
Q5 - Is agritourism a viable activity for farmers in all EU countries?

Instructions for TWITTER CHAT
A Twitter Chat occurs when a group of Twitter users meets at a pre-arranged chat to discuss a specific topic that uses a designated #hashtag (#eaAgriFood).
The host of the Tweet Chat posts questions that are usually identified as Q1, Q2 and so on, to promote answers, which are usually identified as A1, A2 and so on, from the participants of the Tweet Chat.
Tweet Chats usually last about an hour. The hashtag links the questions and answers in a virtual conversation.

Please let us know that you intend to join this online Twitter discussion by sending a tweet mentioning “#eaAgriFood chat” or register on


Twitter #eaAgriFood
Find us on Twitter by searching for #eaAgriFood


@Marijana_Petir MEP, Member AGRI committee. European Parliament

@paolodecastro MEP, Vice-Chair AGRI committee. European Parliament

@DacianaSarbu MEP, Member AGRI committee. European Parliament

@CarvalhoLopo, Agronomist and Farmer





12:30 Start #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat
13:30 End #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat