A Sustainable Future for Europe – The Contribution of Frontier Research

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Launched in February 2007 to fund investigator-driven frontier research, the ERC is a key component of the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. In just a few years, the ERC has made a significant impact on the European research landscape and achieved remarkable results with almost 10 000 researchers supported all over Europe. By empowering scientists to follow their curiosity, frontier research has the potential to produce paradigm-shifting discoveries with profound economic, societal and policy impacts.
Sustainability is just one of many areas where frontier research can make a real difference: from healthy lives to sustainable cities, from food security to equal societies. This event will be an occasion for scientists and policy-makers to discuss how frontier research can help tackle some of the biggest sustainability challenges facing European citizens. Some ERC grantees will share their exciting findings on renewable energies, biodiversity threats, demographic change and the medicine of the future.
Watch the event live here.
Supported by:
Palais des Académies
Rue Ducale 1
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Welcome remarks and Opening statements
Prof. Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, ERC President
Eva KAILI, Chair of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA), European Parliament
Prof. France CORDOVA, Director of the US National Science Foundation (video message)
Panel debate in partnership with EURACTIV:
A global perspective on frontier research with a view on Sustainability
Sir Peter J. RATCLIFFE, Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine 2019, ERC grant winner, Director for the Target Discovery Institute at Oxford University and Director of Clinical Research at Francis Crick Institute London
Prof. Robbert DIJKGRAAF, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, United States
Prof. Subra SURESH, President of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Anita LEHIKOINEN, Permanent Secretary in the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Highlights of ERC-funded projects
Presentations by 4 ERC grantees:
Wolfang LUTZ, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria, Advanced Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities
Sara Mc CORMACK, Trinity College, Ireland, Starting Grant, Physical Sciences and Engineering
Anne MAGURRAN, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom,
Advanced Grant, Life Sciences
Charles BAROUD, CNRS, France, Proof of Concept grants
Closing remarks
David SASSOLI, President of the European Parliament (video message)
Prof. Blazenka DIVJAK, Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia
Mariya GABRIEL, European Commissioner
Prof. Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, ERC President
Jennifer Baker, Journalist, EURACTIV
17:00-17:30 Registration of participants and welcome drink
17:30-17:50 Welcome remarks and Opening statements
17:50-18:50 Panel debate in partnership with EURACTIV
A global perspective on frontier research with a view on sustainability
18:50-19:35 Highlights of ERC funded projects
19:35-20:00 Closing remarks
20:00-21:30 Farewell reception for Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, ERC President
Simona Ovesea
+32 (0)2 788 36 86