Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Media Partnership - The Automotive Aftermarket: A Cornerstone for Europe’s Industrial and Mobility Future


Media Partnership - The Automotive Aftermarket: A Cornerstone for Europe’s Industrial and Mobility Future


The Automotive industry as a whole is living through systemic changes and challenges at an unprecedented pace. Technological developments in vehicle components, together with the exponential rate of its connectivity, are making manufacturing, driving, and repair and maintenance a different reality. At the same time, e-mobility solutions and the deployment of Electric Vehicles, as well as the arrival of an entirely new kind of engines and parts deeply impact the entire automotive ecosystem. One crucial part of the industry is navigating these changes with steady force and leading in innovation and circularity practices: the Independent Aftermarket (IAM).

In the current geopolitical incertitude, rising trade wars and protectionism, the European Commission has established as one of its main priorities for the starting mandate the reinforcement of the automotive industry and European companies' competitiveness.

In this context, the IAM in general and parts distribution and wholesaling in particular, represented by FIGIEFA, call on a holistic approach of the entire automotive ecosystem for this Action Plan and future European legislation. The Roland Berger Aftermarket Panorama study that will be presented at this event will show the extent to which the IAM is capital in driving the sector and the whole industrial competitiveness for Europe, together with an unmatched economic and societal impact.

In the aftermath of the publication of the European Commission Automotive Industrial Action Plan released on the 5th of March, we will assess what is ahead of us by bringing the voice of the IAM industry, consumers, and policymakers together. We will discuss the strengths of the plan, important missing elements, and how the Independent Aftermarket is a key part of the industry that needs to be in the core of the European institutions strategies if they want this plan’s objectives to be achieved.

Organised by: FIGIEFA
Media Partner: Euractiv


Brussels Network Office - International Press Centre
1 Bd Charlemagne // 2nd floor


Maximilian Wegner
Principal, Roland Berger

Mark Nicklas
Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Grow, Mobility Unit I2

Laurianne Krid
Director General, FIA Region I

Arnd Franz

Nines García de la Fuente
Managing Director, Groupauto, Unión Ibérica

Warren Espinoza
CEO of ATR International

Irena Banaszynska
Counsellor, Attaché for Industry, Space & TechHarm, Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union


Anna Gumbau


11:00 - 11:30 Registration and welcome
11:30 - 11:35 Welcome by Mads Engberg, FIGIEFA President
11:35 - 11:50 Key findings of the latest Roland Berger study
11:50 - 12:20 Panel discussion on industry & policy perspectives
12:20 - 12:30 Q&A
12:30 - 12:40 Closing remarks by Sylvia Gotzen, FIGIEFA
12:45 - 13:30 Networking lunch


Síofra Gilmore