Media Partnership: Upskilling Hospitality – For more Sustainability and Resilience in Food Supply Chains

The hospitality sector in the food supply chain - How can it contribute to sustainable, resilient & fair communities?
Watch the recording here
The hospitality sector is one of the key drivers of the EU economy. HoReCa businesses (Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes) provide 11 million jobs in the EU27 countries and contribute between 2-3% of total EU GDP. Of almost 2 million HoReCa enterprises within the EU, 89% are micro-sized (employing less than 10 persons), meaning small independently owned businesses.
Looking at the years ahead, the sector is facing significant challenges. Two and a half years of Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns have left economic repercussions that are still felt up to this day. But financial recovery from the pandemic is not the only challenge the hospitality industry is facing. Inflation and high energy costs are heavy burdens, especially for the owners of independent businesses. Labour shortages continue to be a pressing issue. Although these existed before, they were exacerbated by the pandemic, with 10-20% of the workforce having switched to other sectors. At the same time, sustainability demands are increasing, be it due to the digital and green transitions or new customer demands on animal welfare as well as regional sourcing.
This panel will discuss what skills are necessary to make the hospitality sector fit-for-the-future, more resilient and more sustainable at the same time. Questions that will guide the discussion with invited panellists from the European institutions and the hospitality industry include:
• How are restaurateurs handling new sustainability requirements and what are their expectations towards policymakers?
• What skills are necessary to help independent business owners adapt and attract new workforce?
• Why is digital savviness essential for the optimisation of processes, while at the same contributing to sustainability goals?
Organised by: METRO
Media Partner: EURACTIV
Euractiv Network Office
Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels
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Keynote speaker
MEP Marlene Mortler
Dr. Wolfgang Trunk – Team Leader – DG Environment – European Commission
Dr. Volker Gläser – CEO Hospitality Digital
Marie Audren – Director General – HOTREC
Quentin Guinand – Traiteur & Chef à domicile – Quent on a faim
Dave Keating
11:30 – 12:00 Registration of in-person participants
12:00 – 12:15 Keynote Speech MEP Marlene Mortler – “From Farm to Fork: The EU’s vision for an environmentally friendly food system including a sustainable hospitality sector”
12:15 – 13:00 Roundtable discussion
13:00 – 13:15 Q&A
13:15 – 13:45 Walking lunch
Tamara Novel