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Euractiv Events

Media Partnership - Smart siting: Unlocking Europe's Solar and Wind Potential


Media Partnership - Smart siting: Unlocking Europe's Solar and Wind Potential


On 24 September, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will unveil their new study showing the availability of community and biodiversity friendly land in Europe for achieving renewable energy targets. This study is a critical step toward balancing our energy needs with conservation efforts.

The revised Renewable Energy Directive mandates European countries to conduct national renewable energy spatial mapping within a year. By February 2026, they must designate Renewable Acceleration Areas. The timeline is tight, but it’s essential to approach this exercise mindfully, considering both the biodiversity and community values. But countries need to go smart to go fast.

TNC's new study "Land use and Europe’s renewable energy transition: identifying low-conflict areas for wind and solar development" reveals that Europe has enough low-conflict land to achieve 45% of renewables by 2030. However, it will not happen on its own – achieving this goal requires conscious adoption of smart siting practices as an imperative in the implementation. The launch event will bring together energy, biodiversity and social science experts. They will discuss how smart siting measures can accelerate sustainable and equitable renewable energy deployment, to achieve the required speed and scale of energy transition to tackle climate change.

Europe’s renewables potential can be unlocked through thoughtful planning, balancing energy needs with environmental stewardship. Smart siting is the key to achieving our renewable energy goals while safeguarding our natural heritage and communities.

Organised by: The Nature Conservancy
Media Partner: Euractiv





Introduction of the Study
Joseph Kiesecker, Lead Scientist for The Nature Conservancy's Conservation Lands Team
Kasandra Zorica Dropuljic, Southeast Europe Renewable Energy Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy Europe

Panel discussion
Elif Gündüzyeli, Renewable Energy Program lead at The Nature Conservancy Europe
Chris Rosslowe, Senior Energy & Climate Data Analyst, Ember
Cosimo Tansini, Senior Policy Officer for Renewable Energy, European Environmental Bureau
Andreas Uihlein, Project Leader, Energy and Industry Geography Lab, Joint Research Center, European Commission
Siddharth Sareen, Professor at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen, and the Incoming Research Professor at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Oslo
Ariel Brunner, Regional Director, BirdLife Europe & Central Asia


Dave Keating


15:00 - 16:15

Introduction of the Study
Panel discussion
Q&A session


Ana Alexandrescu