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Media Partnership - What future for the Arctic? The views of European Arctic youth

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Marte Ziolkowski, Political Advisor, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Michael Mann, EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters

Four youth representatives from the European Arctic:

Sweden: Petter Lundström, student Umeå University
Sápmi: Inga Marja Lango, reindeerherder, member of the youth panel to the Norwegian white paper on the Arctic
Finland: Enni Similä, works on the project “Filling the Sápmi-EU knowledge gaps” chair of the The Finnish Sámi Youth Association
Norway: Petter Hov Jacobsen, student at The Arctic University of Norway, member of the youth panel to the Norwegian white paper on the Arctic

Closing remarks:

Rolf Einar Fife, Ambassador of Norway to the European Union


Christian Gahre, Mission of Norway to the EU


14:00-14:05 Welcome
14:05-14:20 Panellists statements
14:20-15:10 Discussion and Q&A
15:10-15:15 Closing statements