The Spanish presidency and the future of European Digitalization - Media Partnership
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9.30h - Hola, why Spain? - Welcome Remarks
With a video message from Nadia Calviño Santamaría, Deputy Prime Minister of Spain
9.45h - Boosting the European Digital Decade: Strongest sectors through digitalization.
Christoph Steck, Public Policy Director, Amazon Spain and Portugal
Ana Abade, Public Policy Manager Spain and Portugal,
Daniel Utgés, Head of Product, Wallbox
Carlos Romero Dupla, Digital Transformation Attaché, Spanish Permanent Representation
10.20h - Fireside Chat
Roberto Viola, Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission, in conversation with Miguel Ferrer, VP Executive, Adigital
10.45h - Open Strategic Autonomy for EU Champions
Alicia Sanchis Arellano, Head of EU Government Relations, Santander
Antonio Vargas, Head Of Public Policy for Iberia, AWS
Óscar Méndez, CEO, Stratio
Diego Rubio, Director of the National Office of Foresight & Strategy and Insights, Spanish Government
Raquel Jorge Ricard, Policy Analyst, Technology & EU and international affairs, Elcano Royal Institute
Mariam Zaidi
9.30h - Hola, why Spain? - Welcome Remarks
With a video message from Nadia Calviño Santamaría, Deputy Prime Minister of Spain
9:45h - Boosting the European Digital Decade: Strongest sectors through digitalization.
10.20h - Fireside Chat: European Commission - Roberto Viola - Director General Connect in conversation with Miguel Ferrer, VP Executive, Adigital
10.45h - Open Strategic Autonomy for EU Champions
11.15h - Cocktail Networking