Events Calendar

Euractiv organises policy events in Brussels and other European capitals.

Euractiv Events

Learning from the Sun to decarbonise Europe’s power with fusion energy

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Massimo Garribba
Deputy Director-General responsible for the coordination of Euratom policies, DG ENER, European Commission

Ondrej Knotek MEP
Substitute ENVI Committee, European Parliament

Susana Clement Lorenzo
Head of Broader Approach Programme and Delivery, Fusion for Energy

Jennifer Ganten
Chief Movement Builder, Commonwealth Fusion System

Francesca Ferrazza
Head of Magnetic Fusion Initiatives, Eni


Dave Keating


12:00 – 12:30 Registration of Participants
12:30 – 12:35 Welcome
12:35 - 12:50 Panellist statements
12:50 – 13:40 Discussion and Q&A
13:40 – 13:45 Closing statements