Media Partnership: Sustainable future for European transport: levitating MagRail trains on existing railways
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MEP Dorien Rookmaker, European Parliament
MEP Jens Gieseke, European Parliament
MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu, European Parliament
Keir Fitch, Head of Unit 'Rail Safety and Interoperability', DG MOVE, European Commission| Europe’s Rail
Michiel Scheffer, President of the Board, European Innovation Council
Prof. Dr. Dirk Rompf, Managing Director IFOK & ex-DB Netz board member
Ny Tiana Tournier, Innovation and Technology Coordinator, European Union Agency for Railways
Aleksander Wolowiec, Deputy Director for Railway Stakeholders, Centralny Port Komunikacyjny
Przemek “Ben” Paczek, CEO & Co-founder, Nevomo
Stefan Kirch, CBDO & Co-founder, Nevomo
Dave Keating
17:00-17:30 Welcome and reveal of the levitation results
17:30-17:40 Q&A
17:40-17:45 Keynote: MEP Dorien Rookmaker
17:45-18:10 Panel discussion - Why the EU needs the Ultra-High Speed (UHS) mobility? How to combine the UHS with great EU`s railway experience and ongoing HSR development plans?
18:10-18:20 Q&A
18:20-18:25 Keynote: MEP Jens Gieseke
18:25-18:50 Panel discussion - How the development and implementation of the UHS in the EU can look like? What can be done from political and financial perspective to secure the EU position on global race towards UHS leadership?
18:50-19:00 Q&A
19:00 Closing remarks: MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu